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The Revolution Will Not Be Televised – World Contraception Day 2017

The revolution will not be televised. And neither was World Contraception Day 2017.

September 26, 2017 was World Contraception Day. But, if you blinked, you missed it. None of the major international news networks carried information about the event. CNN was silent. So was BBC.  Zip on MSNBC. Even progressive and very international Al Jazeera had nothing to say. Very little was said on YouTube, as well. (But, ladies. Note: the French came out to mark the day on Europe 1.) Is this the Trump Effect? Or something else?

Overall, World Contraception Day 2017 was the creation of international organizations and donors for developing countries. Bayer, perhaps the company with the largest number of contraceptive products and brands worldwide, underwrote the World Contraception Day 2017 Your Life campaign along with international family planning not-for-profits and the U.S. government (USAID).  The campaign has a lot good info on birth control options but the content has a contrived, inauthentic feel.

There is more in African news on the event – but not lots. Ghana Business,  Nigeria’s Guardian and others marked the day highlighting the challenges of increasing interest and access to contraception. Kenya had a few programs and interviews that be can seen on YouTube.   Take a look at this cute snappy video uploaded by the Kenyan Muslim Youth Development Organization (KMYDO). But few of these efforts look like they were developed and produced by a lovely lady of color.

South Africa’s Morning Live interview with a local Bayer representative (see below) is another example of one of the few videos out there for World Contraceptive Day 2017.  But, Bayer’s survey in South Africa found that 83% of South Africans now get their information on birth control and contraception from the internet.


Ladies, the revolution will not be televised. This paltry display of  World Conception Day support does not reveal what is really happening in our world. Ultimately, we define our sexual and reproductive health whether we have numerous or limited choices. Even though most of the content produced for World Contraception Day 2017 isn’t by us. It’s about us. Don’t be fooled.


Keep it sexy; keep it healthy! 


Photo courtesy of AAIHS.