Tag Archives: beauty

Shouldn’t Your Contraceptive Make You Feel Beautiful?

2015 is coming up. Does your contraceptive make you feel beautiful? If not, why not? I mean menstruation can be a bear. Why should your contraceptive make you feel miserable, too?

We know “the pill” can clear up acne. Make your periods more regular. That will make a Sista’ feel beautiful, right? But, the pill can also cause you to gain weight and make your breasts swell up so bad you look like a chocolate Dolly Parton. And, we don’t have to mention the risks of the pill if you’re over 35 years old and a heavy smoker. Can you say: walking stroke?

According to the CDC, 30% of US women will try FIVE – yes, you heard me right FIVE – contraceptive methods.  Obviously, finding a contraceptive that is effective and makes you feel good is a challenge for a lot of ladies out there. Some women think menstruation and child bearing are supposed to be painful as a part of being a woman –  and using some pharmaceutical to interrupt this, just isn’t right.

But, many women in the US – as well as in the Caribbean and Africa – are interested in finding a contraceptive that has fewer side effects. Many want a non-hormonal option. SuzyKnew! hears that. We have posts by Sistas’ using natural birth control or FAM. There are posts on IUDs – a method women stay with longer than other methods and offer a non-hormonal, copper T version (which can still have side effects but most don’t last long). And, now we’re advocating for major disruption in birth control. Like – Sistas’ need to take this matter into our own hands and out of the hands of big business and big government.

And if we did take the matter into our own hands, wouldn’t we make something that would make us feel beautiful? Something that would manage that “time of the month” and allow us to avoid pregnancy (and get pregnant) when we wanted to. SuzyKnew! writers – like Lillian Ogbogoh and supporters like Abiola Abrams – promote female empowerment and link confidence with feeling beautiful. Why shouldn’t you?

In 2015, make a vow to find a contraceptive method that makes you feel beautiful – or join the SuzyKnew! movement to discover a new one.