Tag Archives: Fox News

Show Me What Bad Karma Looks Like

Ladies, if you’ve been out protesting lately, you know every so often someone in the crowd pops up and shouts “Show me what democracy looks like!”

And, the crowd roars back, “This is what democracy looks like!”

Well, show me what bad karma looks like:

The passing of ‘Fake News’ Ailes is what bad karma looks like.

Roger E Ailes, the purveyor of fake news at Fox, died an untimely death from hitting his head at his home at the relatively young age of 77 years.

Roger was a man who made a made a pile of money off of fake news stories, offending people (especially black people and women) and his legacy continues to weaken our democracy. Fox News began getting large audiences in the 1990’s when Ailes came on as the news director and ran nonstop stories shaming Monica Lewinsky, a young 24-year old intern at the time, and her relationship with the president. In contrast, but true to its mission of protecting conservatives with loose morals and character flaws, the cable news network downplayed the 2016 story around presidential candidate Trump bragging about this ability to sexually assault women. Instead of offering an intellectually robust conservative view of the news, Ailes peddled sensational journalism that objectified women and demonized blacks, minorities and liberals. From launching Trump’s political career with the lies and racism of the Birtherism movement to promoting the current fake story around the death of democratic party aide, Seth Rich, Ailes and Fox used the cable news network as a platform for misinformation and hate.

Ironically, Ailes was forced to resign last year in the wake of an onslaught of accusations of sexual harassment by female staff. The New York magazine called it “The Revenge of Roger’s Angels.” It took only 15 days to bring down Ailes’ 20-year rule. The law suits shed light on the abuse, corruption and culture of misogyny Ailes had created.

Just last week, the Fox News founder died. The Rolling Stones called Ailes one of the worse Americans – ever.

Ailes was a disservice to democracy.

Ladies, what goes around comes around. Karma knocked at Ailes’ door. Karma will knock at your door.

Keep your Karma good (and your life sexy and healthy).


photo credits: salon.com and New York Times

Foxy News Ladies Are Outfoxed

Fox News has a problem with sexual harassment. Oh, really?  I figured that out many years back when I stumbled across the program one day and saw cheap, tacky women babbling out the news. Their ridiculous outfits and over done make-up screamed “Hanky panky is going on over here!!’

I don’t have a TV in my house.  I watch TV when I visit my mom, who, by the way, refuses to allow Fox news on in her home.  So, I have to sneak and watch Fox News (to see what the other side is claiming…) and have never watched the news program for long periods of time. (Full disclosure.) From my quick glimpses, I was always dumbfounded as to why the station would ask women to parade around like hussies and why the women would accept this. Hadn’t they seen Christiane Amanpour, Melissa Harris-Perry, Gwen Ifil, Kristie Lu Stout, Robin Roberts, Fredrika Whitfield to name just a few stellar female newscasters who consistently deliver the news with panache and style?  I could never hear what these Fox women were saying or pay attention to their names because I was too busy staring at them shocked, thinking to myself, “Why are her titties hanging out like that?”  “Can’t she find a dress to cover her skinny legs and scrawny behind? She looks awful!” Or, “Who piles on make up like that unless they’re going out clubbing?” and, “Who takes that woman seriously?”  I never bothered to learn their names because I understood from their baby talk voices and  tawdry clothing these women wanted me to gawk at them – and not listen to what they were saying.

Apparently, I wasn’t alone in noticing that something was clearly (wrong) going on at this station. Articles in the Atlantic, Huffington Post, and other media outlets pointed out Fox News’ insistence on glammed up news girls. Youtube is jammed packed with videos showcasing Fox News girls’ legs. One man – Daniel Gilbert – has a channel dedicated to showcasing female newscasters’ legs especially at Fox.


And now all these women are coming forwarded claiming sexual harassment against all the big names at Fox -first Roger Ailes and now Bill O’Reilly.  Women are sharing that they were forced to wear short skirts and high heels at Fox; Jedediah Bila revealed on The View Fox’s specific dress code forbidding pants. Not to slut shame or blame the victim, but were these women really surprised when they looked down and saw Bill or Roger’s hand on their exposed boob? How long did they think they could “deliver the news” before they got felt up?

I’m sure little girls watching Fox News understand a “career” at Fox News is similar to a career as a poll dancer with the same risks and work hazards.

But, I will boycott any advertiser supporting this mess and encourage you, Ladies, to do the same.

Let the house of cards fall where it may.