Tag Archives: In The Next Room

First The Vibrator Play, Then A Museum, Now The Vibrator Movie: Looking For Stimulation

Woman in blue corset

Last December, SuzyKnew gave you our opinion  on the play In the Next Room, also called The Vibrator Play.  Then in April a new Vibrator Museum opened up in San Francisco, showing old-fashioned vibrators, including those pesky, hand-cranked ones, which are making a come back among the environmentally-conscious. We didn’t give you our thoughts then. But, now we give you our thoughts on the newly released vibrator movie Hysteria, which covers the same topic: How the vibrator was invented and why.

Hysteria was released in 2011 in Europe and arrived in May in the US. Critics say the movie doesn’t “stimulate” you enough. They say you’ll leave the film “unsatisfied.”

But, how can a movie about vibrators and orgasms  be so boring?

Perhaps it’s our fixation on climax instead of what it takes to  get there. Or more importantly, the relationship that will get us there and then take us further. It is our own feelings about intimacy with ourselves and with others that ultimately allows us to enjoy pleasure.  We may not need a man (or woman) to reach it. But, we do need self-awareness and a certain level of comfort with our own sexuality to enjoy and realize our full potential.   Victorian views on sex are a hoot. And, we can all get a good chuckle out of  these less-than discreet machines designed to get even the most uptight lady to let an orgasm rip. But, both the play and the movie show that once a woman really knows herself she is able to take her rightful claim over the rest of her life.

And SuzyKnew finds that rather stimulating…

and satisfying.
