He is risen. He is risen indeed.
For Christians these are the words that mark Easter; the defeat of death. After 40 days of Lent, reflection and sacrifice, today we rejoice today in the resurrection. For all sistas’, we can celebrate today as the start of a new beginning. Renewal and rejuvenation. Words from Isaiah 65:17-25 can guide us today and throughout the rest of the year
Create new heavens and a new earth
Your Lord has created new heavens and a new earth. Create a new reality for yourself. Learn from your past mistakes and move on. Make peace and strive to stay positive going forward from today. If you fasted during Lent, take time to celebrate Easter today and the new you.
Be glad and rejoice forever
After 6 weeks of repenting, forgive yourself. You have created a new life for yourself. Create a new life for your relationships and be glad and rejoice. Don’t look bad and get stuck in your old ways. You are renewed. Be glad and rejoice in it
For I will create Jerusalem to be a delight
Your new reality is a delight. It’s not what it was before. It’s not your mama’s reality. It’s not your Daddy’s. And, it’s not Donald Trump’s. Don’t go there.
He is risen. He is risen indeed.