Tag Archives: Leslie Jones

Facebook And Social Media Allow Fake News And Alt-Right Harassment But Block Reproductive Health Promotion

Ladies, by now you’ve heard all about how Facebook, Twitter and social media have spread fake news and allowed harassment by the self-proclaimed ‘alt-right” to go unchecked. There’s the attack on Saturday Night Live sista’ Leslie Jones. And, just this week a man with an assault rifle busted his way into pizzeria Comet Ping Pong  and shot up the place because of fake news he had heard. Now, social media is beginning to change their tune. They’re revoking Twitter rights and rethinking it all.  And, Hillary has been showing leadership by exposing the dangers of fake news.

But, what you probably haven’t heard a lot about is how social media and Facebook block ads and information on reproductive and sexual health.

To advance sexual and reproductive health for ladies of color, SuzyKnew! advertises on Facebook. Around one-third of SuzyKnew!’s ads are rejected because the content is considered inappropriate. We are not alone. In 2015, several articles came out about how social media is preventing the spread of safe sex and reproductive health messages by classifying their language as inappropriate   The Atlantic exposed the challenges health organizations are facing trying to use social media to increase safe sex, and Slate showed how Facebook has blocked ads for vaginal health devices. In general, these sites don’t like you to use the word “vagina.” Click here for more information on Facebook and Twitter ad policies.

What is lost is the irony of the situation. Social media has had no problem in promoting chaos, mayhem and untold harm to society, perhaps especially to women of color like Leslie. But, they claim they’re protecting society by keeping “inappropriate content” that is clearly for advancing health and improving quality of life off their sites. If they’re ready to change their tune about fake news and harassment, they need to change their tune about blocking the advancement of sexual and reproductive health.

Ladies, can you join SuzyKnew! When you see this hypocrisy point it out.

photo courtesy of tech.mic

