Tag Archives: witch hunt

Do You Sometimes Feel Like There’s A Witch Hunt After You – Like Hillary Clinton?

Ladies, it’s Halloween. Time for trick or treat. But, if you’re a trail-blazing, visionary lady – especially a Sista’ – you may be dealing with more tricks than treats, like Hillary. The latest trickery the presidential candidate is confronting is the FBI Director saying he found some new emails that need investigating.  Really? At this late date?

Now, doesn’t this sound like the same foolishness we have to deal with on a regular basis? So much so we sometimes feel like we’re being hunted – like a witch.

Remember watching Hillary’s face during the debates while she waited patiently for The Donald to finish his nonsensical rant – most of which were lies and all delivered with arrogance and hubris. Written on Hillary’s face was, “You mean I graduated from Yale Law School just to deal with this buffoon?”

Yes, ladies, many of us have to deal with buffoons. And, they can get nasty, if you sparkle too much. We know that feeling.  There you are doing your stuff, making your magic, when someone with half your experience or knowledge starts spewing nonsense and steals your thunder.  This could be at work, in your ‘hood, or even in your family! And the next thing you know you’re being hunted like a witch.

Yes, some people really believe Hillary is a witch (Google it.)  Back during her Arkansas days, Hillary would meet in Los Angeles once a month with a group of women that one Washington insider said was a “part of a witches’ church.

We feel you, Hillary. And we’re here to say “Stay strong, Sista'”

And, dear you gentle SuzyKnew! reader, don’t lose your sparkle. Keep making your magic. Enjoy your Halloween. Forget all the tricks people may have played on you during the year and treat yourself to thrills and fun.


Photo courtesy of PBS.org