What Is More Important To Black Women Than Marriage Or Children?

Praying Woman

What is more important to Black women in the US than marriage or having children? A personal relationship with God.

In a nationwide survey conducted by the Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation, a larger percentage of Black women feel this way than the percentage who said getting married or having children is very important.  The Post reported  the survey found 74 percent of Black women and 70 percent of Black men said that “living a religious life” is very important. On that same question, the number falls to 57 percent of White women and 43 percent of White men.

White women were the largest group to report that getting married and having children was very important. In the most extensive poll conducted on Black women’s lives, Black women proved to be among the most religious groups in the US, according to yesterday’s Washington Post.

Additionally, Black women claim to have more satisfaction with their lives than any other group.  But, we are exponentially more worried about getting HIV or having someone in our family get HIV.  The poll showed that 32% of Black women are concerned about this while only 9% of White women are.

In our world, putting God first gives us the ability to work on reaching our true potential. The poll showed that we perceive our world to be more challenging and treacherous than other groups see their world. We need His power to stay healthy and sexy! For more information about the survey click here.




One response on “What Is More Important To Black Women Than Marriage Or Children?

  1. LuvBeingLuvD

    I totally agree that a strong relationship with God is important, However, I believe that black women suffer the most in their relationships with the men they love, friendships with other women, and in the workplace. Shouldn’t all that faith make their lives more enjoyable and peaceful?