Dear SuzyKnew! The news is filled with accusations against Planned Parenthood. I have gone to them for years. What happened? Should…

Dear SuzyKnew! The news is filled with accusations against Planned Parenthood. I have gone to them for years. What happened? Should…
How will Caitlyn’s sexual response differ from Bruce’s? In case you missed the details of Bruce Jenner’s transition to Caitlyn,…
Hi #GYNEGirls, #Preggos, and #GENTs! It’s me- Dr. Drai #AmericasOBGYN. Ya’ll already know that I am still busy balancing Werking…
Dear SuzyKnew!, I heard about the new female Viagra. Is this too good to be true? *** Dear Reader, Last…
Many of us imagine anal sex is awful and painful. But, we’ve also heard it can be fantastic if you…
Dear SuzyKnew!, I saw pictures of model who had lost her leg due to toxic shock syndrome from tampons.…
Dear SuzyKnew! Do you have an opinion on which is better- tampons or pads? *** Dear Reader, Choosing which method…
Ladies, here it is: Dr. Drai’s 7 Signs That You Need To Spice Up Your Sex Life. Dr. Drai wrote this…
Dear SuzyKnew!, Recently I got chlamydia. When I went to the doctor she said it could make me infertile. This…
Want to improve your sexual pleasure and his? Here are 5 tips from Dr. Drai to tighten your vagina: ***…