You Ratchet. I Ain’t Got Time For This – I’m Too Grown!

OMG. What do you have on?

You ratchet!

SuzyKnew! gives a shout out to Emmanuel and Phillip Hudson’s Ratchet Girl Anthem ’cause we all have those days when we feel we’re looking a little ratchet.  And we all have those days when we know we’re being ridiculously critical of other women…

You know that’s right!

Ladies, be kind to one another. Lighten up and enjoy life.  How can you be sexy if you’re so uptight?

Image courtsey of

2 responses on “You Ratchet. I Ain’t Got Time For This – I’m Too Grown!

  1. lavendargirl

    Hilarious video! It speaks volumes about how women interact with each other. The ones who spend the most time calling other women “ratchet” are the ones who are ratchet! Yes. I’ve realized that the woman who talks bad about other women is usually insecure and unhappy with herself somewhere in her life. #bewhole #enjoylife #ain’tnobodygottimeforthat