Steal My Heart; Steal My Money… Online Dating Scams

I love romance, and I love a sweet talking man. And, if you give me a gentleman who can talk and write good love, ooh, girl! – there’s a good chance I’ll fall for it. Apparently, my romantic beliefs coupled with my tendancy to idealize my romantic partners makes me more likely to fall victim to online romance fraud.

A UK study shows that the number of people who fall prey to such scams is higher than previously believed.  Romance scam artists use their charms to steal your heart and your money. It’s an underreported crime and more serious than previously believed.

Why? Imagine finding the man you know you should be with and then giving yourself completely to him. You believe in him and form a strong bond. It almost goes without saying that you will help him out with money, if he needs it – maybe even before meeting him face-to-face.. Now that more and more women earn good money, this phenomenon is very real. And romance frauds know how to say and do all the right things to get you to open up both of your pocket books…if you know what I mean (smile).

When the scam is exposed you’re left with two big losses: one financial and the other emotional. It’s very hard to overcome both losses at the same time.  Take a look at’s article on the do’s and don’ts of internet dating to reap the benefits – and reduce the losses – of online dating.

And then there are men who aren’t professional scam artists but still know how to take your hard earned cash and your love… but that’s a story for another time…