Author Archives: SuzyKnew!

About SuzyKnew!

SuzyKnew! is dedicated to improving the sexual and reproductive health and sexual pleasure of women of color.

My Struggle To Make My Interracial Relationship Work

A couple of years ago I fell in love with a white guy. He had a ready smile and this habit of fluttering his blonde eyelashes when he was thinking very hard. We struck up a friendship after he asked to borrow my copy of “The Complete Works of Langston Hughes.” He was so totally white that I didn’t know he liked me. The thought didn’t even cross my mind. So the day he kissed me in the middle of a documentary about the Vatican I was stunned. But the kiss was soooooo good and before I knew it we were making out and then making love and then being in love. No one had ever loved me that fiercely. No one had ever made me feel so good. The first time we were together was the first time for either of us and as he slid into me and I ran my fingers through his hair I felt like something was coming full circle, like a lot of the things I had carried in my heart since I was a child had finally found a safe resting place.

He wasn’t the clueless type of white person. He knew everything there was to know about how race worked around the world. He knew everything there was to know about feminism and history and the fundamental power imbalances that existed between men and women, white and brown, straight and gay. That stuff was the foundation of my existence, part of how I personally worked to bridge injustice and though he understood how important these things were and more importantly how important these things were to me I could not shake the fear that by being with him I was somehow contributing to a narrative that started in slave shacks in America, in slave dungeons in Ghana and ended in centuries of exotification, erasure and self-hatred. Where I was from there was a certain type of woman who dated a white man. She was usually very confused. She thought white people were inherently smarter, better and more human than her own people. She dreamed of living in Europe or America and there was nothing she wanted more than light-skinned children with good hair. She spoke less than stellar English and always had a bad weave.

I had had natural hair all of my life, save for a year of bad decisions between secondary school and university and I thought, in a world of marginalization which said black people were ugly and unworthy of unity and loyalty, that a black man and a black woman truly loving each other was close to an act of revolution.

So I agonized about what it meant to love a white man, what kind of children I would be bringing into the world and how I could ever ensure they never felt better than the kind of black people who looked like me because everyone on my continent and the world at large kept reassuring them that they were worth more because they were half-white. I spent nights feeling resentful about the discrepancy in how my man and I were viewed, angry that to anyone who saw us together he would seem like the embodiment of enlightenment and I would seem like someone who was trying to leave her people and enter a new, easier world. Every time a black man saw us holding hands and glared at me across the street, every time someone assumed my man was my tutor or my student or some business associate because they didn’t put he and I together in a romantic sense, every time someone made a disparaging comment about never being able to sleep with a white person cos they were so pink and pale and “cultureless” I cringed. Every time some random white person beamed at the two of us like we were MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech come to life and went out of their way to tell us what a beautiful couple we made and how happy seeing us made them feel about the future of the country I felt like a fraud. It all seemed like a personal indictment. Sometimes when he was inside me I wondered how many images he might have subconsciously imbibed about Aunt Jemima, the AIDS orphans on CNN, the “video hos” on MTV and whether his love for me, in a world that had bombarded him with messages about my sexuality and fetishized me with the “Jezebel” stereotype, could ever exist purely on its own.

He reassured me that it could. He empathized with my struggles. But on some level he also found it unnecessarily analytical. He had told me once that he wasn’t the kind of man to tell me he didn’t deserve me and use that as an excuse to set low expectations of his behavior for both of us, that as far as he was concerned he was worthy of me. He would love me fiercely and dedicate himself to the relationship. He would put into it the kind of work that was necessary to succeed at school or at a job. I believed him and I believed in his love and I felt like we could face it together but I was never totally comfortable in the relationship. I loved him tentatively while he loved me entirely and he could always sense it. By the time I totally let go and let myself love him completely he didn’t love me anymore and the relationship ended.

I was devastated and in the years following I really gave what we had had a lot of thought. I realized I made a few big mistakes. The first is I brought too much historical baggage into the relationship. Though I’m not the kind of person who thinks problematic history can be wiped out by Kumbaya fireside humming and everyone dating outside of their race I do think if everyone is cognizant of how much work there is to be done that the differences can be bridged. I do think if the black person is not the one constantly expected to assimilate into the other person’s culture, both personalities and communities are respected and the other person is not dismissive of the black person’s lived experiences, that some equilibrium can be achieved. At some point the two people can stop “being their races” and just be two people who are trying to make a relationship work.

The other big mistake I made was in caring too much what other people thought. At the end of the day your love life is your own and finding someone to share a life with is hard enough. You have to learn how to make it about just the two of you. Either the rest of the world will fall in line or you will learn to make them invisible. When the two of you are wrapped in each other’s arms, falling into an abyss of touch and smell and taste, everyone and everything else will recede like the tide. And when you are awake and walking in the world reminding yourself of those moments will make the times of judgment bearable.

Finally, the third and largest mistake I made was in not fully accepting his love. On some unacknowledged level, I think, I just couldn’t bring myself to believe that someone would love me enough to want to deal with that kind of challenge when they could just be with someone who was more like them or whose politics made being with them a non-issue. In some buried part of me, I now see, I always thought that one day he would decide that being with me was too much trouble and finding someone less invested in what made the world how it was was a better and easier endeavor. I thought being fucked and then being left by a white man was the most shameful thing in the world and I didn’t want to give that a chance to happen. I didn’t love myself, in all my complicated glory, enough to believe that he could love me.

So, sistas, the reason behind this long tome is simply to say that be open to love wherever you find it. When you ask the universe for your mate try to focus less on the image you have of the “ideal black man” and the Barack-Michelle future with the 2.5 caramel kids and emphasize instead what kind of character you want, what kind of values best fit yours, what kind of man can love you when all the chips are down. Try to find someone who gets the things that are most important to you, who wants to help make you the most content version of yourself and who makes your toes curl at night. He might not look how you want him to look or come from where you imagined he would come from but if he looks at you like you are beautiful and holds you like you are precious and treasured let the rest of it go and give him a chance.


F.N. is a thirty something free-lance writer from Ghana. Currently, she is trying out a new life in Washington, DC

ASK A SEX THERAPIST – Happy Female Condom Day

Inserting a female condom

When I ask friends if they’ve used or ever considered using female condoms, the reaction is mixed. Because of the cost and perceived hassle, they opt to use other methods. However, since today is Female Condom Day ,I think it’s important to review the benefits of this form of contraception.

First, it’s safe to use if people have a latex allergy. I’ve worked with several women who can’t use latex condoms and often, have unprotected sex because of it. Having unprotected sex with non-monogamous partners puts you at an increased risk for contracting STIs or HIV. However, with the female condom which is made of rubber and not latex, you can still utilize this barrier method which is 95% effective is used correctly every time.

Also, they can be used as a part of sex play. Because the female condom should be inserted prior to penetration, it can be inserted by your partner. Grab some lube and play with your partner. AND the external ring can possibly stimulate the clitoris during intercourse! (bonus: you can use oil-based lubes too! …as long as they’re body safe)

Additionally, the female condom stays in place even after a man loses his erection whereas a latex condom may slip off a flaccid penis. Also, did you know the female condom can be used to anal sex as well? Just as it is inserted into the vagina prior to intercourse, it can be inserted into the anus.

So where can you get them? Female condoms are available at family planning clinics and even your local grocery or big box store. They can range in price from $2-4 each, but are a great alternative to latex condoms. Although this method may not be for everyone, it’s a viable option that provides many women the opportunity to exercise choices in reproductive freedom.

De-Andrea Blaylock-Johnson is a licensed clinical social worker and sex therapist in private practice at Sankofa Sex Therapy, LLC. She’s on the Executive Board of the Women of Color Sexual Health Network and has been featured as a sexpert on and Check out her YouTube show, Ask A Sex Therapist, where she answers your questions related to sex and sexuality and visit her website,

Me, My Boo, And The FC2 – SIZZLE WITH SOPHIA Brings You Female Condom Pleasure One More Time

Femme Fatale

So last year, after reading the SuzyKnew! post about the female condom (FC), I thought two things.  One, how come I didn’t know that September 16th was Global Female Condom Day?  And two, where can I get me some of these?

At first I kept these thoughts to myself because I figured that maybe it was just me.  Maybe I’m the only one who had no clue about female condoms.  I mean, sure, I’d heard of them.  For years, I heard talk of a female condom that was supposed to revolutionize protected sex.  But until last year, I had no idea they were actually on the market!

So, I thought I’d tell you my story again so you’ll be ready when Female Condom Day rolls around on September 16th.  My Boo back then (yeah, I’ve kind of settled down with just one guy) called me on the phone and asked if I’d read the post on SuzyKnew!  He’s good about supporting the blogs that publish my work (mainly because he likes when I write about him).  Anyway, he was all excited and decided that we just had to try these right away.

“They’re non-latex,” he raved.  “So you don’t have to worry about latex allergies!”

“I’m not allergic to latex,” I said.  He didn’t hear me, though.  He just kept talking.

“And did you watch the YouTube video?  It showed how I can even put it in for you!  That sounds so sexy!”

He finally stopped raving about FCs when I promised to do some research as soon as we hung up the phone.  So I did.  And the more I learned, the more excited I got about trying them.

The only bad thing is that you can’t buy these things just anywhere.  These days you can buy male condoms at the grocery store, the drug store, the liquor store and even the gas station!  Oh come on, don’t act like you and your date haven’t rolled up to a 24-hour Shell station and grabbed you a pack when the other stores were closed!  Y’all know exactly what I’m talking about!

Well with female condoms, the easiest way to find them is to go online.  I decided to go with the brand mentioned on Suzy Knew: the FC2.  Some Walgreens stores carry them, but only at select locations.  I checked my area and no one had any.  Bummer.

But according to, you can order them from Walgreens online.  They cost just under $7.00 for a box of three, though.  Ouch.  The cheapest I found were from the Conscious Contraceptives online store.  They were just under $5.00 for a box of three, but they were also out of stock.  Finally, I decided to order a box from for just under $6.00 for a box of three.  That way, I could pick up a few other items and reduce the cost of shipping and delivery.  Then I just had to wait for them to arrive.

I’ll skip ahead to the good part.  Royce*, my Boo, was even more excited than I was.  Even though he was eager to put the FC in for me, I wanted to try myself for the first time.  So, we re-watched the instructional video together and carefully read the instructions that came in the box.  And after two false starts, a little fumbling and quite a bit of laughing, I successfully got it inserted.

Ladies, let me tell you.  Sex with an FC is fantastic!!  See, there’s this outer ring that holds it in place.  It sits just outside of your vajayjay.  And when ya’ll get to strokin’ and grindin’, that little ring just hits the spot!  I mean, no matter what angle he was hitting it from, it felt insanely delicious because my clit was constantly stimulated.  I came twice with the first FC we used!

Now, removing them can be a little tricky.  The first time, he was on top and I was lying on my back.  The key is to grasp the outer ring, twist it and pull.  It went as planned at first.

But a little later when we used the second FC (he put it in this time, which was hot), we ended with me on top.  I wasn’t thinking and started to reach down to pull it out while I was still hovering above Royce.  That was a mistake.  We made a bit of a mess.  So remember, lie on your back to remove it to avoid spillage!

Overall, my experience with the FC2 was a good one.  We’ll definitely be using them again.  I just wish they were easier to acquire.  I know that some local health clinics and Planned Parenthood facilities have them.  But with so many of these clinics closing, even that isn’t a guaranteed source.  Ordering them online was pretty painless for me, but may be more difficult for others.  It would be so much better if we could just run out to the nearest gas station and grab some for those unexpected, last-minute adventures.

Here’s a thought: basic economics says that demand drives supply, right?  The more we spread the word and buy FCs, the higher the demand.  And the higher the demand, the higher the supply.  This will presumably improve accessibility and drive down the price, too.  And then more women can enjoy the benefits of this “new” form of contraception.

So let’s spread the word.  Let’s increase awareness and educate ourselves and others.  That way, when Global Female Condom Day rolls around again next year, we’ll not only know about it beforehand, but we’ll be able to really celebrate!  More importantly, more women will have another tool in their arsenal against STIs and unwanted pregnancies.

Royce and I still have one more FC left to use and he’s been waiting patiently while I type this review.  So I’ll sign off now and go put it to good use!  See ya!

Source:,, and SuzyKnew!

*Royce is just my Boo’s online name, not his real one.  I always change the names and a few details to protect the not-so-innocent.

First published September 24, 2014

ASK JANICE: Why Didn’t My Boyfriend ‘Put A Ring On It?’

Dear Janice,

Six months ago – my boyfriend ended our relationship. And,  I’m still not over him. The worst part is that he’s moved on. He’s now engaged to another woman! We had been together for three years and for me, the breakup came completely out of the blue. One minute, I was in a happy, committed relationship and the next minute, I’m alone.

He said he needed space and that he just wasn’t happy with me anymore. Then the next thing I know, our mutual friends are telling me that he’s engaged to someone else.

That should have been me wearing that ring. I should be planning my wedding with him, not her!

What’s wrong with me? Help me, please! I don’t know how I’ll ever get over him!

Sad and Alone


Dear Sad and Alone,

As you read my response, I want you to imagine Idina Menzel’s voice in your ear, singing “Let it Go” from Disney’s hit film “Frozen”. Because, and you already know this, you really need to let him go, Sis.

One of the first things we women tend to do after a breakup is go over everything we did wrong in the relationship. While post-relationship reflection is necessary and important, we have to be careful not to go on a self-blaming spree. Your breakup wasn’t necessarily about anything you did. It probably had nothing to do with you, at all! It could have been something as simple as: his feelings changed. It happens.

That’s not to minimize your pain, though. Your pain and disappointment are real and completely normal. I just don’t want you to blame yourself, anymore.

No one is perfect within a relationship; everyone makes mistakes. So no matter how often you replay every conversation in your head, and dissect every argument you had during your three years together, you may never know why it ended. Obviously, you weren’t the one for him and he wasn’t the one for you. Obsessing about it won’t change the fact that he’s moved on with his life.

Getting over a relationship isn’t easy, especially when it wasn’t your choice to end it. You were with him for three years, so six months mourning the end isn’t really all that long. But, the fact that you’re seeking help to get past it is a sign that finally, you’re ready to move on with your life. And that’s a good thing.

Some say the best way to get over one man is to get “under” another one. That is, get a new guy. I know, I know! That’s much easier said than done. I know how hard it is in these dating streets. And I’m certainly not going to advocate that you just start jumping into bed with any man that shows an interest in you! However, there is something to be said for getting “out there” and actively dating again.

You’ll want to start slowly, of course. And stick close to home. Put the word out to your close friends that you’re available and interested in dating. Allow yourself to be fixed up by people who know you well. Finally give that one guy you’ve kept in the “friend zone” a chance. Be open to blind dates (in safe, public locations, of course). Consider online dating, even.

Getting out there and dating again just may give your self-confidence the boost it needs. Not that you should seek validation from other men to feel good about yourself, of course. But it wouldn’t hurt. Just be sure to keep it casual, at first. Don’t go looking to give your heart to someone new right away. Play the field, a little.

But the MOST important thing you can do to get over your ex is FORGIVE. Forgiveness is essential to happiness. You can’t really move on until you’ve totally forgiven him. Forgive him for leaving. Forgive him for getting over you so quickly. Forgive him for finding someone new.

Forgiving your ex will bring you the freedom from heartbreak that you seek. Forgiving him will allow your heart to really heal. And it’s definitely time for you to heal, Sis. You’ve been hurting long enough.

And forgive yourself. Whatever you think you did wrong … let it go. Forgive yourself for any perceived mistakes you made. Forgive yourself for “losing” him. Forgive and allow yourself to fully love yourself, again. Because we all know that we can’t fully give or receive love until we love ourselves, first and foremost.

To be honest, I think you dodged a bullet with this one. If he got engaged so quickly, that other woman may have been in the picture before your relationship officially ended. And clearly, he just wasn’t the one for you. It’s a good thing he removed himself from your life before you wasted any more time on him. You should probably even thank him!

Your happiness is out there, Sis. You just have to get out there and grab it.

Good luck!

ASK JANICE: I Still Fantasize About Being With My Ex

Dear Janice,

I still fantasize about my ex – being in bed with him and all.  Even when I’m with my husband in our conjugal bed. This makes meeting my ex in public with my husband difficult.  Any suggestions on how to get over this?


Dear Friend,

I wish I had a little more information in order to help you.  For example, are you in love with your husband?  Do you have a good sex life with your husband?  Are you still in love with your ex, or do you just miss the sex with him?  How often do these fantasies occur?  Do you fantasize about your ex every time you make love to your husband?  And why is he your ex, anyway?

The answers to these questions and more will better lead you to an understanding and even a solution to your problem.  However, I’m going to give it my best shot anyway.

If you are genuinely and truly in love with your husband, and you two enjoy your sexual relationship, then you probably don’t have any reason to worry … especially if you only fantasize about your ex occasionally.  Many people believe (and I agree) that occasionally fantasizing about someone else while with your long-term partner is healthy.  Your husband doesn’t have to know that every once in a while you close your eyes and imagine he’s Channing Tatum, Boris Kodjoe or even your ex.  Trust and believe that he does the same thing sometimes.

If your ex was really good in bed, then having his image pop into your head every now and again can actually improve sex with hubby.  And hubby doesn’t need to know this.  All he has to know is that you’re into whatever he’s doing at that moment and you’re both happy.

Allowing yourself to fantasize helps you to grow sexually.  Fantasy is your own secret place where you can tap into your deepest yearnings.  It’s where you can be whomever you want and do whomever you want.

Fantasies also teach us about what we really desire.  The better you know your own desires, the easier it is to communicate them to your husband.  You also become a better lover when you know yourself sexually.  So fantasy is a good thing.

On the other hand, if you’re fantasizing about your ex to the point where it’s interfering with your marriage, then you really do have a problem.  And seeing your ex in public is the least of your worries.

Do you have some unresolved feelings for your ex?  Do you constantly compare your husband to your ex in other areas, too?  If so, does your ex always seem to come out on top?  This could be anything from a need for closure to a case of the grass being greener on the other side.  If it’s the latter, remember this: the grass is greener where you water it.

Remember, he’s your ex for a reason, and I suspect that you wouldn’t have married someone else if he were all that.  Just focus on all the reasons you and he aren’t together now.  He may have been good in bed, but you didn’t marry him.

Honestly, you need to take some time to really examine your feelings about your marriage.  Maybe all this fantasizing about your ex is merely a symptom of problems within your marriage that need your attention.  If this is the case, look deep within your heart to figure out what’s wrong.  And be brutally honest with yourself.  Now is not the time to sweep your feelings under the rug.

Finally, talk to your man.  If you’ve got problems, then you BOTH have problems.  That’s what marriage is: a partnership through the good and the bad.  Don’t bring up your fantasies about your ex, though.  They have nothing to do with your marital issues and would just hurt your husband unnecessarily.  But otherwise, be honest about how you feel.

The solution to your problem begins and ends with your own analysis of your marriage and your heart.  You need to get to the real reasons behind your fantasies.  If you married the right man, and I suspect you did, then work hard at fixing your marriage.  Once you begin to do the work, seeing your ex in public won’t be a big deal anymore because all your focus will be on the man who has your heart: your husband.

Good luck.



First published October 16, 2014

Dr. Drai Tells You 5 Things You Need To Know About Plan B


Hi #GYNEGirls, #Preggos, and #GENTs! It’s me- Dr. Drai #AmericasOBGYN. Ya’ll already know that I am still busy balancing Werking as a DOC versus Werking as a media personality. Sometimes I’m Ladies- you know I LOVE you right? Let me just be honest with you. You gurls have been wearing me out in the office with this one especially on Mondays. Hint Hint. Plan B is an emergency birth control that is used to stop you from getting #preggo after having not so protected sex. You would use Plan B if you just didn’t use a condom. Dr. Drai is rolling his eyes right now. You would also use Plan B if the condom breaks or slips off. This pill will also be given to you if you were raped. By now you know that Plan B is over the counter. Back in the day you had to take 2 pills but now it’s only 1 pill. Let’s talk about 6 things you need to know about Plan B.

1. You must take Plan B within 72 hours (3 days) of having unprotected sex. It decreases your chances of pregnancy by 95% if taken within 24 hours.

2. Plan B does not cause abortions. It won’t work if you are already pregnant.

3. Plan B won’t work if you weight more than 176 pounds.

4. Nausea & vomiting is a common side effect of taking Plan B. If you vomit within 2 hours after taking it, it won’t work.

5. Taking Plan B may cause you to have irregular periods.

If Plan B doesn’t work out for you, remember you can get the Paraguard IUD (copper IUD) inserted by your DOC in your uterus within 5 days of having unprotected sex. Oh and one more thing make sure the condom always fits. Until next time…

What Do Brothas’ Like When It Comes To Personal Grooming? ASK A SEX THERAPIST

We all have our favorites. From music to cologne, most people can easily name their preferences on what it is they like and don’t like.  However, there are some things that don’t come as easily. For me, I love pizza; thick crust, thin crust, veggie, loaded with meat, it doesn’t matter as long as the ingredients come together with sauce, cheese, and a crust. I’m not that picky. And I’m learning there are some other areas where people may not have clearly defined preferences. They just like what they like.

And so since I’m the curious type, I asked some of my guy friends about what kind of vulvas they preferred. Crickets. Ok, so I first asked them via Facebook messenger and only my big brother replied (‘preciate ya homie). But when we had a house party after a bomb concert, I was able to pick the brains of the brothers assembled, gay, straight, and along the continuum, and their answers may surprise you.

I simply asked them what kind of vulvas they preferred and took five pages of notes. Some of the answers were pretty funny while others were straightforward, but what it boils down to is that of the brothers I asked, they don’t have preferences as far as appearance is concerned. The only preference from one brother was that the vulva was connected to a melanated sister. Other than that, none of the men really cared about the position of inner or outer labia, which is pretty comforting in a world where labiaplasty is a thing. Preferences related to pubic hair were pretty flexible as well. Proper grooming seemed to be the main concern. “Is it shaved or lined up? Combed through?” One brother said, “I like grass on the field. Who likes to play in the dirt?” But he did say that it’s nice when the “grass is cut.” ….which then led us into a conversation about proper hygiene and how important it is to know how to properly clean and maintain a healthy vulva. Queen V was then likened to a self-cleaning oven by a sister who participated in the discourse. Freshness is also important, but one brother said that, “if it doesn’t smell like anything, I’d be worried.” Also, tightness was relative. We talked for a while about kegel exercises and how important they are for muscle tone and how they can lead a woman to be a “snapper” as a popular artist referenced on his Instagram page a little while ago.

Also, another brother mentioned how the vulva should match the woman’s personality, being a natural extension of who she is. We then expounded on the oft quoted hip hop line, “You ain’t got to lie to kick it,” explaining that being your natural self and comfortable in who you are is ultimately the most alluring.

We ultimately ended our lively meeting of the minds by understanding that the average brother may not have specific hang ups about vulvas and those concerns may be relegated to majority culture. Is she healthy? Is she confident? Is she a good lover? Those were the main themes that were discussed. Although it’s difficult to extrapolate data from a conversation with a few amazing brothers and apply that to the diaspora, I honestly think their opinions are representative of the average brother.


Is The New Lady Viagra Pill Too Good To Be True? ASK AN OBGYN

Dear SuzyKnew!,  I heard about the new female Viagra.  Is this too good to be true?


Dear Reader,

Last month an FDA advisory panel approved a new drug to address low libido in premenopausal women, which has been hailed as “female Viagra” by some.  Sounds great, right?  Well there is more than meets the eye to Flibanserin.  There is a lot of debate about how effective this new drug really is and whether or not it’s a good thing for women’s health.

Out of the gate, we need to be clear that this is NOT female Viagra.  Flibanserin acts on a different part of the body and addresses a different aspect of sex.  Viagra acts directly on the penis, increasing blood flow and promoting erection.  It’s for men who have a desire for sex, but have a physical barrier to performance.   Flibanserin acts on the brain, promoting an increase in positive feelings about sex.  It’s for women with a low libido who are depressed about this and want to increase their desire for sex.  Unlike Viagra, Flibanserin has no direct effect on the vagina or clitoris, nor does it increase sensation.  The two drugs aim to treat different sexual problems and in very different ways.  Unlike Viagra, Flibanserin is a medication that is taken everyday.

It’s more accurate to call Flibanserin the “female libido drug”.  Think of it as more like an antidepressant, than a sexual performance drug.  In fact, it was originally developed as an antidepressant until women in the clinical trial reported increased sexual desire while on the drug.  A new company was formed to study and promote the drug to treat low libido in women.

So it’s not a female Viagra, but is it still something we should be excited about?   For the millions of women that express dissatisfaction with their libido, Flibanserin is a treatment option to consider.  Low libido, or Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) is a real problem for many women.  One well-cited survey of American women found that 22% of women expressed low sexual desire. A large-scaled international survey of sexual problems found that 26% to 43% of women experienced low sexual desire compared to 13% to 28% of men.

What is the cause of low libido? Our sexual lives and desires are complicated and are affected by our beliefs, lifestyle and notably our relationships.  A wide range of factors can cause low libido, including: a physical illness, medications, drug and alcohol use, life changes such as having a baby or breastfeeding, hormonal changes, stress, body image…. the list goes on and on.  Many couples report a disparity in desire for sex or in frequency of sex.  But that does not mean that there is something wrong with one or both of the partners.  The diagnosis of HSDD only occurs when the disparity causes stress and depression.  The diagnosis itself is controversial because it is so subjective.

How effective is it and what are the side effects?  In the clinical trials, women taking Flibanserin reported experiencing between one-half and one more satisfying sexual events per month than volunteers taking a placebo. Women in the trial also reported slightly higher levels of sexual satisfaction and desire.   One question is that if this modest increase is enough of a benefit to offset the cost, side effects and potential risks.  The side effects are what has many doctors and women’s health advocates concerned.  Side effects include drowsiness, low blood pressure, fainting, nausea and dizziness.  One woman reportedly had a concussion when she fainted while taking the medicine and hit her head. There is also concern over the effects being increased when mixed with alcohol, birth control pills and other medications.

Is this a “win” for women’s health? According to the FDA statement, “There is great need for a proven, safe, and properly labeled medication that provides meaningful and quantifiable benefits to HSDD patients.” The question that is being debated by women’s health advocates is whether or not this particular drug fulfills that need.

Here is my take: Bringing national attention to the sexual needs of women is long overdue.  But it is important for SuzyKnew! readers to understand that this particular drug is intended for a small subset of women that have done the hard work to try to determine the reasons behind their low libido.  Only after that work has been done, should they consider trying this new medication.

Take care.

Click here for other SuzyKnew! articles on Viagra for women

Knowing My Baby’s Cells Are Finding Cures For Others Brings Me Comfort – The Planned Parenthood Videos

Are you disturbed and upset about the series of videos secretly taken by the anti-abortion organization Center for Medical Progress that exposes Planned Parenthood and people posing as fetal-tissue procurers haggling over the price of “baby parts”?  Whether you support a woman’s right to chose an abortion or not, the videos aren’t pretty. They are unsettling in part because they are so clinical.  But, a conversation between an organization harvesting organs from donors and a research lab would be upsetting, too.

That women having an abortion can chose to have the fetal-tissue donated for scientific research is a little known fact now coming to light. In July, Time wrote about a woman who underwent a late stage abortion of a much-wanted baby after she found out the fetus was missing essential organs. The woman found comfort in donating the fetal-tissue knowing her pain could benefit someone.  Now Yahoo Health is releasing pieces almost weekly on abortion and fetal-tissue donations including one that explores the 26-year old man behind the ‘sting’ videos and a recent article on why women decide to donate their fetal tissue – or not to donate it – after an abortion. Even the popular site Whisper  that lets its 10 million monthly users tell their true opinions and secrets is getting into the mix. The site recently asked women who had had an abortion if they had donated the fetal-tissue or not.  One ‘whisper’ asked if someone could point out the verse in the Bible that states God is against abortion. After the Planned Parenthood sting videos, many are using the anonymous site to sound off on abortion.

But, what does this mean for us, women of color?  Whether we live in the US, Caribbean or Africa, whether our governments want to talk about it or not and whether we “whisper” to one another what happened to us, abortion is a reality we’re very much familiar with.  It has happened to us and/or women we are close to. Shaming us, providing misinformation via sting videos or making the procedure more difficult to get will only make the situation worse for women of color.

Also, jumping into the fray Religion News Service (RNS) has highlighted a few key ethical points to keep in mind:

  • The use of fetal tissue in medical research is legal — and scientifically valuable. Vaccines against polio and rubella were developed using fetal issue and fetal cells are essential in developing treatment for Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis and other degenerative diseases. Fetal cells are an invaluable tool for the study of eye diseases, diabetes and muscular dystrophy.
  • Planned Parenthood isn’t the only provider of fetal-tissue. There are others like StemExpress which claims to the be largest supplier of maternal and fetal blood and tissue globally. Where’s the sting video on them? Fetal-tissue collection is taxpayer-funded ($76 million last year) and $30 – $100 per specimen reported on the videos is a reasonable fee (, less than the thousands of dollars other institutions may charge.
  • According to both religious and secular experts, fetal-tissue harvesting can be ethical, too.

As the fallout from the videos continues to unfold and more people are talking about women who volunteer to have their fetus’ cells used for research, it is clear that the Center for Medical Progress aims to take down Planned Parenthood and doesn’t intend for a reflective, in-depth, multidimensional discussion around the topic to take place. May we find some comfort by gaining a greater understanding and spiritual insight around abortion and the many lives it affects.

Photo courtesy of

My Crush Told Me To Put On Some Make-Up And Buy A Push-Up Bra: ASK JANICE

Dear Janice:

My Crush told me to go put some make up on, buy a push-up bra, and get myself another man!  What should I do?



Dear Crushed:

Answer:  Girl, this one is almost too easy: put some make up on, buy a push-up bra, and get yourself another man!

An older, wiser woman once told me this: a man will always tell you everything you need to know about what he wants; you just have to be willing to hear him.  As dishonest as men can be, when it comes to what they want, they will always tell you the truth. We women don’t always want to hear what they have to say, though. So, we ignore their signals, like when they stare at a woman who dresses differently than we do; or when they constantly talk about so-and-so’s wife who is so cool because she likes basketball. We even ignore them when they are as blunt as your Crush.

Why? Who better than a man to tell us what men want? When we don’t listen, we end up alone. So take your Crush’s advice, girl. Listen to him!

Now, while I believe in always being one’s authentic self, I am realistic enough to know that sometimes, nature needs a little help.  A little mascara to make your eyes more noticeable; a little blush to highlight those stunning cheekbones; a little spandex and underwire to give the “girls” that extra lift… these are all things that can be used to ENHANCE your natural beauty.

You must remember that men are visual creatures. Before they can get to know your fabulous personality and fall madly in love with you, they have to be attracted to you. You have to get their attention!

So girl, you better run (don’t walk) to the nearest MAC counter and have someone show you how to apply the best colors and shades to bring out the best features on your face. Then immediately proceed to the nearest Victoria’s Secret (again run, don’t walk) and get yourself measured for the best push-up bra your money can buy.  Next, buy yourself a cute top with a V-neck.  Nothing too plunging, of course… you don’t want to show off all the goodies! But, trust me on this one. V-necks are a girl’s best friend!

Now you’re ready to take your Crush’s last bit of advice to find yourself another man. He’s made it clear that he’s not interested in a relationship with you, so let it go. But before you do, pay your Crush one last visit.  Let him see the new and improved you… show him what he’ll be missing! Bat those enhanced eyelashes, arch your back a little and let him eat his heart out! Enjoy!

Originally published August 14, 2012

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