SuzyKnew!’s Reflections On 2014

So how’s the new year treating you? Are you keeping all those resolutions and turning over that new leaf?

To start 2015 properly, you have look back on 2014 to see what stood out. Here are SuzyKnew!’s reflections:

Most popular post?

How Do I Get A Man To Commit To Me? ASK JANICE

wondering about loveGetting good advice on how to handle men who won’t commit will serve you well into the new year.

Hottest Writer: Sophia Ned-James

Sophia’s SIZZLE WITH SOPHIA attracted a lot of attention in 2014. Some of her sexiest posts include:

legs spread


THE GOLDEN TONGUE: My Night With The M-A-S-T-E-R!!



Most reflective and intense comment?

I once had sex with Christian music playing in the background. It’s all in your head. If you feel guilty or ashamed it’s because you have not accepted that you are living in sin. Accept it mentally then you can get it on physically.  However if you are Christian and trying to refrain from sex until marriage…there’s nothing wrong with that. Who the heck said sex is better with multiple partners in uncommitted, loving relationships? People who don’t have that themselves!!!  I think God has a point here. I wish I would have waited for the guy worth my whole heart…guys these days are idiots!! They don’t deserve the pussy, the dinners, the gifts and all our love. They expect too much and give little in return. Read More

Most Helpful Lady Advice?

ASK AN OBGYN I Still Need An Annual Pelvic Exam? 

Is My Girlfriend’s Vagina Too Small For Sex? ASK AN OBGYN


 Personally this is my first time ever hearing about Vaginismus and found SuzyKnew!’s response to be very informative and comforting. I hope everything works out with you and your girlfriend – TJ

Best advice for men? 

DR DRAI’S Gentlemen Keep Your Drawers On When Sexing Your Lady! 

Dr. Drai2


Best comment from a man:

Fantasies are great when they don’t cross the line. On the other hand, many people use it to escape reality. Human relationships are diverse. It’s sad that when most people ask for relationship advise, they leave out the main details of their own action that contributed to the under the rug issue.You did great in your answer. Keep up the good work.  Read article and comment


Best SuzyKnew! lover: Lavender Girl

Ms. Lavender Girl gave SuzyKnew! the most love during 2014 with all her intimate Orchid in her eye

and passionate comments.

SuzyKnew!wants to give Ms. Lavender a special shout out and ask her to continue sending love our way in 2015.


Who gave us the most affirmation and showed us how to discover our sensual side during 2014? Guest Blogger Lillian Ogbogoh~ And, we will continue to draw on Lillian’s wisdom and guidance in 2015.

Lillian Ogbogoh

Lillian Ogbogoh
Lillian Ogbogoh








Funniest post? You Ratchet. I Ain’t Got Time For This – I’m Too Grown!

ratchet courtsey of






Best part of saying good -bye to 2014? Knowing SuzyKnew! will bring more good stuff in 2015.

Keep it sexy!

Keep it healthy!


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