Author Archives: SuzyKnew!

About SuzyKnew!

SuzyKnew! is dedicated to improving the sexual and reproductive health and sexual pleasure of women of color.

My Mother/My Self, My Love Life


Today, in many countries, we celebrate Mother’s Day. But, how does our relationship with our mothers influence our love lives? Our sex lives?

In 1977, Nancy Friday published My Mother/My Self: The Daughter’s Search for Identity, giving at the time a unique view of the interaction between a mother and her daughter and how it affects a woman’s ability to form healthy relationships with men as well as establish a successful professional life and a life separate from her mother. Throughout our entire lives, we struggle to create an identity that is separate from our mothers, and as we mature we can find that we’ve become more like our mothers. This may dismay us, but it helps us cope with the separation anxiety we experience, as we become adults with our own beliefs, values and lives.

The fantasy bond we have with our mothers can keep us from developing fulfilling relationships with men.  Our relationship with our mother can prevent us from finding the right partner or achieving orgasm. As Lisa Firestone, PhD published recently in Compassion Matters, quoting psychiatrist/obstetrician Joseph Rheingold who studied the power of the mother/daughter conflict in 2500 women that he interviewed in a 12-year clinical research program,

A woman may bring any number of assets to marriage – compassion, wisdom, intelligence, skills, an imaginative spirit, delight-giving femininity, good humor, friendliness, pride in a job well done— but if she does not bring emancipation from her mother, the assets may wither or may be overbalanced by the liability of the fear of being a woman.”

We have a lot to be thankful to Mom for.  But, as we celebrate our love for our mothers today, let’s not forget to protect and value our own identify and love lives.

Experience Female Ejaculation!


Female ejaculation – a warm fluid that can shoot out during the height of a woman’s orgasm – is a hot and controversial topic. Can you experience it? Not everyone agrees that it’s possible.

Female ejaculation is different from vaginal lubrication which is produced when a woman is aroused.  It’s a much more powerful – and yes orgasmic – sensation that happens to 10% to 50% of all women according to the Babble Out. Some say all women can have this experience. In Central Africa, female ejaculation is considered to be a secret ancestoral practice called Kunyaza. The practice leads women to have multiple orgams and female ejaculation. published an article about how the world would be a better place if women ejactulated more. The key is to let yourself orgasm and then wait to push yourself to a greater height of pleasure. Apparently, science believes that the only purpose for females to ejaculate fluid, which can be as much as 1 pint in volume, is sheer pleasure. And, no, Ladies, this fluid is not from temporary urinary incontinence during sex.

Have you experienced female ejaculation?  If so, tell SuzyKnew your experience. If you haven’t experienced this and want to try, look into a few informational and how-to books on, such as Female Ejaculation: The Complete Guide to Squirting and Female Ejaculation – It’s Real.

Happy squirting!


Emily Thorne Gets Revenge. Can You Get It, Too?

Emily's Revenge

Emily Thorne, played by Emily VanCamp,  in the US TV drama Revenge is quite sexy as she plots and executes revenge against everyone who did her father wrong when she was a child.  We see flashbacks of Emily during her childhood in juvenile detention as a bitter, rage-filled, dark-haired kid who can barely function let alone go after any one. This is in stark contrast to the current Emily, a beautiful and seemingly calm, sweet blond who executes her view of justice swiftly with no regrets.  No one guesses that it’s Emily behind all the mishaps and tragedies that take place as she gets revenge. And, she’s pretty good at it, too.

Emily’s main target is Victoria Grayson, an extremely wealthy woman who fell in love with her father and then led him to his downfall when she risked losing everything because of her husband’s ill doings.  To get to Victoria, Emily goes after her son, Daniel, and gets him to fall in love with her.


Ever think about getting revenge this way? Could you overcome the rage and bitterness that injustice has left on you to emerge more beautiful – not to mention intelligent, calm and calculating – to plot revenge? Could you fall in love with your perp’s progeny just to get back at them?

Emily exemplifies the saying: Revenge is a dish best served cold.  But, as we all know, revenge can backfire on you. This season on the TV drama, which airs on Wednesdays, we’ll see if Emily’s revenge goes awry and begins to affect people she actually cares for – namely her childhood crush, because Emily doesn’t really care about many people. Some cracks were beginning to show as the premier season ended.

But, let’s look at this another way: The best revenge is SUCCESS. Emily may have gone a little bit off the rails on her rampage for revenge.  But, you have to give her credit for turning herself into an independently wealthy, beautiful, cunning and calm woman after being locked up for years behind bars during most of her childhood.

Is there a man out there who you believe has ruined your life? Or was it a boss or job?  Or maybe you regret a major life decision.  Take heart and pull yourself together like Emily and go after success. (No comments on how much revenge you should go after.)



Do Nice Men Who Talk Nasty Get Girls Into Bed?

Passion in bed

I met a guy the other day when I was exhibiting for a high school fair. He looked like the principal of a school. Handsome. Clean-cut.  He even had on a nice jacket and tie while the other exhibitors lounged around in polo shirts. “Nice…” I thought to myself, as I approached him to tell him about my school and ask if he was job hunting because our school was recruiting.

Mr. Nice accepted my invitation to ice cream as way of getting to know more about the school and …well me.  In between licks, he shared with me his views on education and how Black males fared in the system. He also impressed me with his knowledge of art and his curiosity about the latest African-American painters.

I was mesmerized.  I gazed into his eyes enjoying his talk when he went for the kill, “So, what are you doing Friday? Can I take you out for a drink?”

“Sure,” I said. Delighted to find such a nice man.

So, I showed up at the bar, ready for more Mr. Nice.  But, our date conversation quickly turned into a nasty session about him asking me right off the bat about my sex habits and the positions I liked. I was stunned.  I didn’t know how to respond.  I tried turning it around and confronted him with a few ridiculously direct questions of my own.

“What a way to get to know someone. Why are you so interested in sex?  What do you like so much about it?!”  I pronounced point blankly, pleased that I had come up with a strategy on how to handle the situation.

Well that was a mistake.

Mr. Nice-Turned-Nasty looked at me, as if he had been waiting the entire time for me to ask him such a question. He raised his voice so everyone in the bar could hear him and put his hand up in the air and announced at the top of his voice, “What do I like about sex?! Well, look at my hand. This is your pussy when I’m having sex with you. And, this is your pussy when you come,” he said excitedly as his hand went from an open circle to a closed tight one that writhed in excitement.

I looked at him in complete disbelief. Who in the world was this man?  Did he really succeed with the ladies talking and behaving this way?  How many girls did he get into bed with this act: Nasty-talking Nice Man?

Any thoughts?

Steal My Heart; Steal My Money… Online Dating Scams

I love romance, and I love a sweet talking man. And, if you give me a gentleman who can talk and write good love, ooh, girl! – there’s a good chance I’ll fall for it. Apparently, my romantic beliefs coupled with my tendancy to idealize my romantic partners makes me more likely to fall victim to online romance fraud.

A UK study shows that the number of people who fall prey to such scams is higher than previously believed.  Romance scam artists use their charms to steal your heart and your money. It’s an underreported crime and more serious than previously believed.

Why? Imagine finding the man you know you should be with and then giving yourself completely to him. You believe in him and form a strong bond. It almost goes without saying that you will help him out with money, if he needs it – maybe even before meeting him face-to-face.. Now that more and more women earn good money, this phenomenon is very real. And romance frauds know how to say and do all the right things to get you to open up both of your pocket books…if you know what I mean (smile).

When the scam is exposed you’re left with two big losses: one financial and the other emotional. It’s very hard to overcome both losses at the same time.  Take a look at’s article on the do’s and don’ts of internet dating to reap the benefits – and reduce the losses – of online dating.

And then there are men who aren’t professional scam artists but still know how to take your hard earned cash and your love… but that’s a story for another time…


“The Business of Dating”

Some people say you should never mix business with pleasure. While others do it all the time.  We all know that woman who took her business acumen to grab a Bill Gates-style career and used it to secure a Taj Mahal love. But, it’s hard to look at our dating lives through a hard, cold business lens.  I mean who wants to see that she isn’t getting her fair share of the market of quality men, right? Or who wants to realize she is running her love life into the ground – like an inept businessman? We all want to feel like we’re a part of that special 1 percent of people who find the riches of dating and love that have eluded the rest of the world.  But, a little hard inner reflection can go a long way.  In her book “The Business of Dating,” relationship coach Steph McKenzie takes traditional business principles and applies them to your modern dating life.  Take a look. Secure the rich love life you deserve.

Study Shows that Many People Worldwide Aren’t Using Condoms Correctly


Back in January, SuzyKnew asked you if you knew how to use condoms correctly. Now it appears that using condoms incorrectly is a real problem – all over the world! A recent study in Sexual Health shows that not using condoms correctly is causing unintended pregnancies and infection. Led by the Kinsey Institute Condom Use Research Team, the study compared 50 studies across 14 countries.

What were the common problems?
Not leaving enough room at the tip, taking the condom off before the deed is done, failing to check for damage before using, and yes turning the condom on inside out before using.

Looking for a guide to correct condom use? Take a look at the CDC guide.


Jennifer Lopez says “If You Don’t Love Yourself, You Can’t Love Anybody Else…”


We’ve heard it many times.

But, we need to hear it again: If you don’t love yourself, you can’t love anybody else.

According to Yahoo’s OMG!, Jennifer Lopez, who has now been married and divorced three times and has had other public breakups with stars including Sean Combs and Ben Affleck: “If you don’t love yourself, you can’t love anybody else. And I think as women we really forget that. All we want is to be happy, to feel secure, to feel understood,” she explains. “But you can’t look for somebody else to do that for you. But when you really take a good look, you are not treating yourself like someone who does. And when you let people treat you in a way that you don’t want to be treated, it’s not their fault. It’s yours.”

This is a good way to end the month of March, Women’s History Month. How can we make sure we love ourselves and put ourselves first all year round?

Let us know your thoughts?

Happy Belated Women’s Day


To all you beautiful, talented, sexy and ambitious women out there – Celebrate International Women’s Day by celebrating yourself – by being kind to yourself. Treat yourself, your reproductive health with the dignity and respect you deserve and others will do the same. Keep your love and relationships beautiful and safe. Happy International Women’s Day!