Join SuzyKnew! At The Women’s March On Washington,January 21

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Yes, today is the actual birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. To honor King’s memory and fight for reproductive health and women’s rights, join SuzyKnew! at the upcoming Women’s March on Washington, DC. The march will take place this coming Saturday, January 21 in Washington, DC.

The Women’s March on Washington is expected to be one of biggest protests in U.S. history. Click here to register for the March and receive updates. There will be sister marches all over the country. What’s the goal of the march? Click here for about the different women’s and civil rights groups that have come together to organize the march and their mission and values.

We’re not wearing pink pussyhats. But, we will be carrying signs. Friday, January 20 (Inauguration day) we will make signs. Email if you would like a sign made for you.

We’ll meet at third and Independence, SW at 9 am, one hour before the march starts. We’ll also get together later in evening at 8 pm at Hyattsville, MD Busboys and Poets.