Tag Archives: slider

Is There A Better Way To Diagnose Endometriosis? By Holly Grigg-Spall

Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women in the US. African-American women are particularly vulnerable. Some of the symptoms are heavy bleeding, long and irregular periods, debilitating pain and infertility.  These symptoms are caused by the lining of the uterus traveling elsewhere in the body and attaching to other organs. There is currently no cure for endometriosis and science still hasn’t come up with a reason as to why it happens – although there are many theories.

Currently a woman will see an average of 8 doctors over a 10 year timespan before even getting a diagnosis. During this time she is not offered support or treatment options. Recently, Daysy launched a clinical study to discover if basal body temperature data – the kind of data tracked, stored, and analyzed by the Daysy fertility monitor – might be an early indicator of endometriosis. A goal for Daysy’s clinical study would be to discover a new way of diagnosing endometriosis that could be used by women and their doctors. It is our hope that this would help women avoid years of misdiagnosis. If basal body temperature (or BBT) is an indicator of endometriosis, women might also avoid the surgical intervention currently required for diagnosis.

Daysy talked to Shannon Cohn, the director of “Endo What?” – an excellent new documentary all about endometriosis and the state of diagnosis and treatment options available to women today – to learn more.

How is a woman currently diagnosed with endometriosis?

Right now, the only way to definitively diagnose endometriosis is through laparoscopic surgery. Blood tests and any imaging tests like CATSCANS, MRIs and ultrasounds may only suggest the possibility, but that is all. They cannot diagnose endometriosis. Even if the possibility is not suggested by imaging, one should remember that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Are there any issues with the current method for diagnosis?

There are many. First, surgery is obviously an invasive procedure and many women are reluctant to have it. Further, it’s expensive. Thirdly, the vast majority of surgeons, even gynecological surgeons, are neither well-educated nor well-trained in recognition & effective treatment of endometriosis. I’ve heard countless cases of women who underwent surgery with their local OBGYN and were told no endometriosis was found only to learn later from an endometriosis expert they had extensive disease.

The problem is that for decades medical text books have taught that endo lesions are black lesions in the pelvis. In reality, endometriosis can have many appearances and may be blue, red, clear or fibrotic.  Beyond that, most surgeons perform ablation surgery, where only the surface of the lesion is burned. Research proves that excision surgery is the gold standard for treating endometriosis. Excision means the surgeon cuts out the endometriosis lesions rather than burning the surface of them.

Why does it take more than 7 years for a woman to receive diagnosis, on average?

For many of the reasons alluded to above – lack of knowledge and access to accurate information, both for health care providers and patients. Most people believe that the only symptom of endometriosis is painful periods. In fact, it’s incredibly common for women to have GI symptoms, urinary symptoms, fatigue, migraines and several other symptoms in addition to pain. Also, the pain could be during one’s period, during ovulation or continuously throughout the month. Every woman’s symptoms are different.

Do you feel there is adequate research into endometriosis? If not, why not? 

We certainly need more research into endometriosis, especially translational research that improves the lives and health outcomes of women sooner rather than later. Progress in endometriosis research is held back not only by lack diagnostic tools and biomarkers, but a lack of very large numbers of study participants. With large numbers we can hopefully begin to see the patterns evident in other disease processes like breast cancer. Recognition of these patterns has been very helpful in tailoring various treatments specific to the type of disease.

What single thing would most improve the lives of endometriosis sufferers? 

It’s hard to specify one single thing as each woman’s experience with endometriosis is unique. However, if we had targeted non-hormonal, non-invasive treatments, it would make an enormous difference in a woman’s quality of life. The negative side effects of current medical treatments are not only awful, but can be quite dangerous.


If you’re a Daysy user you can take part in our clinical study. Simply fill out the questionnaire that allows access to your BBT data. You do not have to have endometriosis to participate.

Here are the links for:

US Daysy users

EU Daysy users

Click here to learn more about the importance of your participation.

Photo credit ThrowBackmag.com

Facebook And Social Media Allow Fake News And Alt-Right Harassment But Block Reproductive Health Promotion

Ladies, by now you’ve heard all about how Facebook, Twitter and social media have spread fake news and allowed harassment by the self-proclaimed ‘alt-right” to go unchecked. There’s the attack on Saturday Night Live sista’ Leslie Jones. And, just this week a man with an assault rifle busted his way into pizzeria Comet Ping Pong  and shot up the place because of fake news he had heard. Now, social media is beginning to change their tune. They’re revoking Twitter rights and rethinking it all.  And, Hillary has been showing leadership by exposing the dangers of fake news.

But, what you probably haven’t heard a lot about is how social media and Facebook block ads and information on reproductive and sexual health.

To advance sexual and reproductive health for ladies of color, SuzyKnew! advertises on Facebook. Around one-third of SuzyKnew!’s ads are rejected because the content is considered inappropriate. We are not alone. In 2015, several articles came out about how social media is preventing the spread of safe sex and reproductive health messages by classifying their language as inappropriate   The Atlantic exposed the challenges health organizations are facing trying to use social media to increase safe sex, and Slate showed how Facebook has blocked ads for vaginal health devices. In general, these sites don’t like you to use the word “vagina.” Click here for more information on Facebook and Twitter ad policies.

What is lost is the irony of the situation. Social media has had no problem in promoting chaos, mayhem and untold harm to society, perhaps especially to women of color like Leslie. But, they claim they’re protecting society by keeping “inappropriate content” that is clearly for advancing health and improving quality of life off their sites. If they’re ready to change their tune about fake news and harassment, they need to change their tune about blocking the advancement of sexual and reproductive health.

Ladies, can you join SuzyKnew! When you see this hypocrisy point it out.

photo courtesy of tech.mic



Painful Sex

Studies show painful sex is endured by a lot of women. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says 75% of all women will experience painful sex at some point during their lives. Are you experiencing painful sex?

We ladies of color may be more at risk for painful sex, especially as we experience pain differently. Latina women are more at risk of cervical cancer due to HPV which may cause painful sex, and Black women are more prone to fibroids, as well as uterine cancer which can make sex hurt.

Sex is supposed to be pleasurable, which means about talking this issue with your “gurls” isn’t always easy. So, SuzyKnew!‘s here to help.

Making sex pleasurable may be as simple as changing your sexual position or putting some pillows in the right place, more foreplay or better lube as Madame Noire highlights for you. Or, it could be an easy remedy such as eliminating all those sprays, powders, bubble baths and deodorants, SuzyKnew! has been telling you to stop putting down there. Soaps, detergents, lotions, etc. can act as irritants, a.k.a. sexual pleasure killers. Keep it healthy.

But, painful sex can be due to a medical condition or psychological challenge or a combination of the two. There are a lot of factors to consider. Some causes are straight-forward like a yeast infection while others may be age related like menopause. Then there are more complex issues of dyspareunia that should be considered. If you’re experiencing painful sex not that is not caused by what has already been mentioned, then, it may be worth taking some time to read Sexual Pain Disorders in Clinician Reviews that takes you through all the possibilities and issues to consider and work through with a health provider.

Debbie Herbinick published an article in the Journal of Sexual Medicine based on a 2015 survey that showed that 30% of women as compared to only 5% of men experience painful sex. Perhaps a key to addressing all these reasons why sex may be painful is making sex “normal.” In this very popular TED talk, Debbie walks us through the importance of talking about our sexual experiences to get to the pleasure or acceptance we ladies yearn for.


Bad head: is there anything worse?

That was a rhetorical question, of course.  I can think of a whole lot of things that are worse than bad oral sex, like the 2016 U.S. election results, global warming, and AIDS (World AIDS day is today…).  And the death of Prince.  And Ann Coulter.  And the fact that Neiman Marcus sells frozen collard greens for $66, plus shipping and handling. (Really, Neiman Marcus?  Really?)

But still.  Bad head sucks, no pun intended.

You know it’s bad when you push his head away, scoot back and ask “What the heck are you doing?

That actually happened to me!  Thankfully it was a long time ago and pretty much forgotten until I recently ran into the guy.  When he came up and said “Hi”, I knew he looked familiar, but couldn’t quite place him.  It wasn’t until later that I remembered he was Bad Head Guy, the worse pussy eater I’ve ever met.

Bad Head Guy was way too deficient in oral skills to be a grown ass man.  He was downright lousy at it, which is sad because he claimed to enjoy doing it.  That’s more than I can say for some of these dudes out here who are good at it, but wanna act all stingy with their favors.  Those guys irritate me, too.

Bad Head Guy talked a good game beforehand, so I was eager to give him a try.  He enthusiastically went down there promising to send me to the moon, but from his first ill-placed lick, I could tell he didn’t know what the hell he was doing.

Y’all know me.  I’m not at all shy about expressing my wishes when it comes to sex.  I mean, I get that most men won’t immediately know what I like, so I have no problem gently guiding them to all the right spots.  But Bad Head Guy was like that bad-ass kid in school who never listened to the teacher and made everyone miss recess.  He simply couldn’t (or wouldn’t) follow directions!

I tried subtle hints and non-verbal cues, at first.  I nudged him to the right spot with my thigh, and when that didn’t work, I used my hands.  But he paid me no attention.

So I grabbed his head and put it exactly where I wanted it.  You can’t get more obvious than that, right?  That didn’t work either, though!  He just stubbornly kept going at it in the wrong spot, with the wrong amount of pressure and at the wrong pace.

Since my non-verbal communication wasn’t working, I got vocal.  “No, not there,” I said.  “A little softer and slower, please,” I moaned.  “Again, not there,” I pleaded.  All to no avail.  He was too rough and erratic, treating my tender yoni like an ear of corn at the family cookout.

Finally, I just had to stop him completely.  My amorous mood was gone and all I wanted was to get dressed and leave.  At that point I knew the only way I was having an orgasm that night was to go home and give one to myself, courtesy of my B.O.B. (battery-operated boyfriend).

But even when I stopped him, he misread my cues!  He sat up and grabbed a condom as if after that failed attempt, I was gonna let him all up inside me.  Um, nope!

In fact, HELL NOPE!

Like I said, I have no problem showing a guy how I like to be pleasured.  Every woman is different, so I don’t expect a man to be perfect the first time we’re together.  It takes time to learn each other, and a lot of it is trial and error.

But most grown ass men know the basics: pay attention to her responses, her breathing and how she moans; and for God’s sake, follow her lead!  And most men can at least follow very simple, very specific, verbal instructions!

However, if I have to bring your pitiful efforts to pleasure me to a FULL STOP, then clearly we have a problem that’s not going to be resolved by having sex.  In other words, what you NOT gon’ do is have any use for that damn condom!

I tried to explain to Bad Head Guy that he just wasn’t making me feel good.  He interrupted me and said “That’s because you won’t let me do my thang, Baby!  I know what I’m doing down there!”

No, sir.  You obviously don’t.

I hate being interrupted, especially when I’m horny and frustrated.  So to avoid punching him in the throat, I just quietly got dressed.  He tried to catch an attitude, telling me I should at least reciprocate so he could get off.

Yeah, right.  Ain’t no way I’m about to reward bad pussy eating with a good blow job!  Reciprocity is earned, so, “Boy, ‘bye!”

Somehow I managed to leave his place on a cordial note. I don’t think he fully understood just how awful his head game was, but that was going to have to be someone else’s problem.  I was done.

Can you believe his nerve, though?

Ladies, never settle for bad oral sex.  Learn what you like so you can help guide your man to all the right spots.  Don’t be shy about letting your wishes and desires be known.  Just don’t waste your efforts on a man who won’t listen.  It’s your pleasure, so he should follow your lead.  ‘Cuz bad head sucks!

Photo Credits: furnituretoyourdoor.com

How To Reduce Prolactin With Natural Treatment By Holly Grigg-Spall

Dr. Lara Briden is a naturopathic doctor. She currently practices at Sensible-Alternative Hormone Clinic in Sydney, Australia. She is also the author of the popular troubleshooting guide, “Period Repair Manual.” For more on her work go to LaraBriden.com.  In today’s post, Dr. Briden tackles the topic of high prolactin levels and the best natural remedy.



Dear Dr. Lara Briden,  

My prolactin is slightly high at 438 mIU/L. How can I reduce it?


Dear Bríghdín,

Great question. Mildly elevated prolactin like yours can cause troublesome symptoms such as breast pain, loss of libido, and irregular periods. Severely elevated prolactin is a more serious medical problem, and can cause periods to stop completely.

What Is Prolactin?

Prolactin is a pituitary hormone, and is best known for its role in promoting lactation. It also  regulates ovulation and the production of estrogen and testosterone.

What Causes High Prolactin?

Very high prolactin (greater than 1000 mIU/L or 50 ng/mL) is usually the result of a benign pituitary tumour called a prolactinoma. It requires medical diagnosis and management.

Moderately high prolactin (greater than 480 mIU/L or 23 ng/mL) can be caused by prolactinoma, thyroid disease, heavy alcohol intake, or by medications such as high dose birth control pills, stomach acid tablets, and some types of psychiatric or blood pressure medications. It requires medical diagnosis and management.

Mildly high prolactin (around 480 mIU/L or 23 ng/mL) is common, and cannot be diagnosed by a single result. Why? Because prolactin can be temporarily elevated by any of the following:

  • Sex
  • Exercise
  • Alcohol
  • Eating
  • Sleep
  • Dehydration
  • Stress
  • Luteal phase (post-ovulation)
  • Mild thyroid disease
  • Hormonal birth control

For accuracy, prolactin should be checked again under the following conditions:

  • Follicular phase
  • Between 8am-12pm
  • Fasting
  • Hydrated
  • Not directly after exercise or sex
  • Relaxed
  • Not on hormonal birth control

Natural Treatment of High Prolactin

Both moderately and severely elevated prolactin require medical diagnosis and management.

Mildly elevated prolactin responds well to stress reduction and gentle exercise such as walking and yoga. It’s also helpful to reduce alcohol, especially beer, because barley stimulates prolactin (that’s why beer was traditionally prescribed to increase milk supply). Do not exceed four alcoholic drinks per week.

Mildly elevated prolactin also responds to the herbal medicine Vitex agnus-castus (also called chaste tree or chasteberry). Vitex suppresses prolactin so strongly that it can mask a prolactinoma, and for that reason, it’s advisable to seek medical advice before taking Vitex for prolactin. The dose of Vitex is 200 mg of a standard extract, taken once in the morning. (Different formulations use different doses depending on the preparation of the extract.)

Vitex is a popular medicine for PMS and menstrual regulation, and its main mechanism of action is the reduction of prolactin. For more information about Vitex, please see: The Do’s and Don’ts of Vitex.


By Holly Grigg-Spall – Marketing Consultant and Daysy Blog Editor

When she came off the birth control pill after 10 years in 2009, Holly decided to write a blog about the experience. That blog became a series of articles, and then book, “Sweetening the Pill,” which then inspired a feature documentary, currently in production and executive produced by Ricki Lake. She is a fertility awareness and body literacy advocate and educator, a Daysy enthusiast, and excited to help more women come off the birth control pill and find a natural, effective alternative.


Should You Get An IUD Or Another Long-Acting Birth Control Method Before Trump Takes Office?

A lot of social media sites are urging women to get an IUD, which can cost upwards of $800 without insurance, or another long-acting method like contraceptive implants, before Trump takes office in January. Birth control is free under Obamacare (a.k.a. the Affordable Care Act – ACA) and does not require a co-payment. But, during his campaign, Trump promised to get rid of Obamacare. Now, several weeks before he takes office, Trump is beginning to say he may keep some of the more “popular” provisions of Obamacare (and what… call it “Trumpcare” or something…?)

It’s not an understatement to say women are straight up scared.  Gynecologists, Planned Parenthood and other health clinics around the country report a massive increase in calls, emails, and texts asking for birth control – especially the long-acting, reversible kind, before Trumpism spreads across our land. Women want birth control that can outlast a Trump presidency.(SuzyKnew! has to stop here and say: What a shameful way to start a presidency by making so many Americans terrified!)

Others, such as the NY Times, say not to worry. Trump can’t reverse everything the first day he walks into office. They say it will take months – maybe years – to unravel everything. Selecting a contraceptive method – especially a long-term one – shouldn’t be done hastily, and an IUD, depending on the type, can last from 3 – 10 years.

Courtesy of RHrealitycheck.org
Courtesy of RHrealitycheck.org

Just over 11% of U.S. women using birth control chose IUDs. But, the highly-effective method is becoming more popular – and affordable with ACA. However, there can be side effects when you go from one type of birth control like the pill, the most popular method among U.S. women, to another method like the IUD, implant or injectable. Different contraceptive methods affect your body and menses differently. Of course, you could have your IUD removed if things weren’t working for you. But, do some “googling” and know what to expect before making a change to an IUD or implant, and of course check in with your healthcare provider.


It is clear the most vulnerable part of the ACA is the requirement that health insurers cover contraception for all women without a co-payment. Kaiser Family Foundation claims before Obamacare, 28 states covered contraception and 85% of employer plans covered contraception.

But, what about co-payments? And, 28 out of 50 states isn’t that great of a ratio. Plus, the devil is in the details

And, ladies, ladies, ladies…

Do you trust this man not do something crazy?  And fast? It took him just over a week after becoming president-elect to appoint alt-right, white nationalist Steve Bannon as his chief strategist and select Jeff Sessions as his nominee for Attorney General. Just sayin’…

SuzyKnew! just wants to make sure you have the info. It’s up to  to you to decide what to do next.

Your thoughts, ladies…?

Thanksgiving During Challenging Times: SIZZLE WITH SOPHIA

I think we can all agree that 2016 has been a rough year.  First we had to endure losing such musical icons as the legendary Natalie Cole and Maurice White of Earth, Wind and Fire, along with so many others, I can’t even list them all here.

Then, to add insult to injury, we lost the incomparable, multi-talented Prince!  I’m still not over that one.  In fact, I’m pouring out some brown liquor for that hot little badass-in-purple right now!  With his itty-bitty, still-doin’-the-splits-in-his-50s self.  That his death from an accidental overdose of pain meds was totally preventable makes it even sadder.  RIP, Purple One.  #PrinceFanForLife

Boxing legend and humanitarian Muhammad Ali also died this year.  Haiti suffered another debilitating, natural disaster.  And don’t get me started on that whole North Dakota pipeline debacle!  As if the indigenous people of this nation haven’t endured enough!  #NODAPL

Then there was the U.S. Election of 2016.  What a raging shitstorm that was, right?  Public references to the candidates’ dick sizes, pussy grabbing, and unrepentant racism and misogyny.  And the Islamophobia!  Phew!  What a mess!

It culminated in the election of a man who’s publicly insulted the differently abled, Latinx, “The Blacks”, women, and Muslims.  He doesn’t pay taxes and was backed by the KKK.  And he’s already put together a team of well-known white nationalists and anti-Semites to help him lead, seriously jeopardizing voting rights, civil rights, and The Affordable Care Act.

And make no mistake, Ladies.  Trump and his Team of Doom are coming after our reproductive rights with a vengeance, too!  Not only are our pussies in danger under the new president-elect, but so are our uteruses.

So, yeah.  2016 sucked BIGLY.


And yet …

Even in the midst of what may very well be the end of days, there’s still plenty of reasons to give thanks.  In the spirit of the Thanksgiving Holiday, I’ve put together a list of things I’m especially grateful for in 2016.  Here are a few, in no particular order:

  1. Eggplant Fridays: There are pages, groups, and threads all over social media which celebrate Eggplant Friday.  If you don’t know about it, you either aren’t that active on social media, or you’ve been living under a rock.  Eggplant Fridays may vary in style depending on the social media platform or group, but basically it’s just an excuse to post and look at dick pics online.  Eggplants are penises, you see.  Get it?  Actually, I’m pretty sure Eggplant Fridays are played out by now.  But I don’t care.  I’m grateful for them anyways, cuz we gals gotta have somewhere to share all those unsolicited dick pics, right?
  2. Election 2016: I know this seems totally contradictory to the earlier part of this post.  But this horrific election was very illuminating!  We not only learned just how deeply committed Americans are to maintaining white supremacy even at their own peril (yes, I’m talking about the 53% of white women and 13% of Black men who voted that turkey into office), but this election also showed you which of your so-called friends are closeted racists.  Admit it:  you either deleted, blocked or lost some friends or followers this year because of politics.  Even if you didn’t delete them, you’ll never look at them the same.  From now on, they’ll have an asterisks by their names in your mind.  For example, you’ll be going thru your Christmas card list and come across your co-worker Becky’s name.  Only in your head it’ll say Becky*, which will remind you that even though she remembers your birthday and buys your kid cool presents, she still put white supremacy ahead of you and her own interests.  That’s the kind of shit you need to know about the people in your life.
  3. No Shave November– It’s no secret that I love beards, which I affectionately call “thigh ticklers”. A bearded man is sexy!  And as I get older, a beard with a little grey in it gets me all tingly inside.  Seriously, I almost had a fender bender just the other day because I was so busy watching this older dude with a nice, salt & pepper beard.  With his fine ass.    Good pussy eaters are awesome.  Good, bearded pussy eaters are proof there’s a God.
  4. Good Head: Speaking of pussy eaters!  Head was on my last list and it’ll be on every gratitude list I ever write!  That’s because I will ALWAYS be thankful for good head.  And to be clear, I’m grateful that I give good head, too.  Because I’m an equal opportunity oral sex lover!  I’m good at it because I enjoy doing it, and because I’m good at it, I get good head in return.  I’m all about reciprocity, so I keep my skills honed.  My reward is good, hot, make-you-talk-in-tongues head whenever I want it.  Yes, Lawd!
  5. Black Girl Magic: As horrific as this year has been, Black girls and women have been spreading their magic around the globe like pixie dust!  From Beyoncé getting us all in Formation and serving up the best Lemonade ever, to Simone Biles tearin’ it up in Rio; from Issa Rae getting her own HBO show, to the brilliant Ava Duvernay getting to direct a big-budget Sci-Fi/Fantasy film; from showing up for Hillary Clinton in HUGE numbers (94%), to Kamala Harris being the 2nd Black woman ever elected to the U.S. Senate; to all the other fabulous Black girls and women breaking records and glass ceilings in all walks of life, Black women have shown that even when the world falls apart around us, we still shine.  To paraphrase the late, great Maya Angelou, and still we rise!
  6. Jesse Williams (and all the other woke brothas): Who could forget Jesse Williams’ brilliant speech at the BET Awards?  With his fine ass.  Those few lines about doing better by Black women still give me chills.  Haven’t see it?  Google it and get yo’ life!  I mention him by name, but shouts out to all the good Black men out there.  Yes, there are far too many of y’all locked up, dying too young and up to no damned good.  But Black women know, more than anyone else on the planet, that the narrative mainstream media would have us believe about you is a false one. We see you and we love you.  (Y’all good ones gotta be more vocal when it comes to speaking up for US, though.)
  7. Safe Sex: This is another one that will be on every list I compile.  Now more than ever, women need to take full control of their sexual health.  The U.S. is the freest country in the world when it comes to women’s rights, but even our reproductive rights are hanging by a thread.  That’s why we have to get downright revolutionary when it comes to practicing safe sex.  Because, let’s face it: our options for dealing with an unwanted pregnancy or treatable STIs could be severely limited under this new administration.  So stock up on those dental dams and condoms now, while you still can!  And make a donation to Planned Parenthood in Vice President-elect Mike Pence’s name – thousands already have and I love it!

It’s a shorter list than I usually write, but this really has been a tough year.  Still, it’s the season of Thanksgiving, that special time of year when we Americans feel a little weird about commemorating the land-stealing, genocidal birth of our deeply flawed country; but where we also get to hang out with family, eat way too much good food, and watch football, anyway.  And there’s parades.  Gotta love the parades.

Your turn.  What are you especially thankful for this year?  Let us know in the comments, and in the meantime, have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

Hillary, Put Your War Paint On!

Ladies, these days Miss Hillary is going around with little or no makeup. At her first public appearance and speech after conceding the election (even though she won the popular vote!), Hillary appeared with her new look at the Children’s Defense Fund. This is where Hillary started her career, and we hope the new look isn’t a bad sign or exit.

Hillary Clinton speaks to the Children’s Defense Fund in Washington, U.S., November 16, 2016. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts
Hillary Clinton speaks to the Children’s Defense Fund in Washington, U.S., November 16, 2016. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

Of course, Hillary’s critics said she looked bad and shouldn’t speak in public without make-up. But, a lot of these people are “haters” and would criticize anything Hillary did to her appearance. So, how can you take their remarks seriously?  Then, there were Hillary’s ardent supporters, who applauded her make-up free look. They say Hillary shouldn’t be expected to wear make-up and people should focus on what she says instead of her looks.

Yes, that’s right! We should listen to what Hillary says (and what women say in general…) and not focus on her looks. That’s why SuzyKnew! says “Hillary, put your war paint on!”  There is a battle ahead of us. The big change makes people focus on Hillary’s looks (even though they shouldn’t…) and speculate what it all means. Does the change mean Hillary’s stressed or will be she be different, is she going to withdraw from public life, etc…? Those who follow Hillary more closely may know she changes her look from time to time, and the look she had for the campaign took a lot of time and work.   But, for those of us who don’t follow Hillary’s every career move, it’s concerning. And, during these post-election days where anxiety is high, having perhaps the most powerful woman in the country make a drastic change to her looks is disconcerting. Familiarity is comforting and encouraging during these uncertain times.

Plus, Miss Hillary looked g-o-o-d! Strong and upbeat!

Make-up can be empowering for women. For many it gives a woman strength to take control.

Hillary’s message at the Children’s Defense Gala was strong and inspiring: She encouraged us to stay engaged at every level. This is how we will bend the arc of the moral universe towards justice and make the impossible possible.

It will be a battle to achieve justice. It will be a battle to fight for our values.

Ladies, do you have your war paint on?

Photo Courtesy of Reuters



Uterine Cancer Is On The Rise; Know The Symptoms

Last Monday the world lost another great sista’ to a reproductive health illness. Gwen Ifel, the award-winning journalist, died at the age of 61 from endometrial cancer – a subset of uterine cancers. Uterine cancer is on the rise, and Black women are especially vulnerable. The key to survival is knowing the symptoms and getting treatment.

Gynecological cancers don’t get a lot of medical attention (a big problem); but, endometrial cancer is the most common kind of pelvic cancer in women. It has a very high survival rate, if treated early. (Unlike cervical and ovarian cancers which have lower survival rates.)  A 2015 study shows that endometrial cancer is becoming more common in the U.S., and Black women appear more prone to the most aggressive types of tumors. Black women die from the disease more frequently than White women.  The study shows we are 1.9 times to 2.5 times more likely to get these malignancies than White women.

Postmenopausal women are more likely to get endometrial cancer. This may be due to the change in hormones when menstruation stops. Also, women who are obese are twice as likely to get endometrial cancer. A key symptom is abnormal vaginal bleeding, such as bleeding between periods or after menopause. Pelvic pain and pain during sex are other symptoms. Then, there are some women who show no symptoms making being aware of a problem difficult.

There is only one FDA-approved drug for endometrial cancer. Gwen’s death shows there is a need for more gynecological cancer research.


Gwen died young. But, we can honor her legacy by taking care of ourselves, eating the best we can, and finding a gynecologist we trust to work with to maintain our health.

Keep it healthy!

Keep it sexy!

We’re 94% Strong – A Hug For Hillary

Stats show that unlike any other group, Black women showed Hillary love on election night. 94% of Black women voted for Hillary Clinton. We showed more support than any other group. So, don’t believe those outlets that want to give you the illusion that Blacks just didn’t vote for her.  And, don’t listen to those people who tell you this election shows more people came out for Trump than for love, justice, equality and tolerance. Hillary won the popular vote and this is expected to grow to 2 million or so. Combine Hillary’s numbers with those of third party candidates and the fact that fewer Republicans supported their candidate this year than they did in the last election, and it’s clear the numbers are not so much against her – or us. What is clear: People thought Hillary would win and stayed home or cast a protest vote for a third party.  They wouldn’t be out on the streets protesting everyday otherwise.

Democrats Republicans Third Party Total Voters
2016 61.1 Million 60.5 Million 6.9 Million 128.5 M
2012 65.9 Million 60.9 Million 2.4 Million 129.2 M

Source: Domineco Montanaro NPR based on NY Times projections

When you are straight up, stood up and abandoned – something we Sistas’ know a thing or two about out – you need a hug. You just need one big hug.

It is painful when you get all dressed up and ready for a date – knowing this is “the one” – and wait patiently only to find out not only is your date not coming, but he’s going out with somebody else.  You are in shock. Traumatized.

Hillary is in shock; we are all in shock. We all need a hug. Be kind and supportive of each other.

But, stay vigilant.

Hillary is strong Sista’ and so are we.  As SuzyKnew! has stated all through this election season, we need to stay strong and stay positive. With the support of each other, vigilance, and strong Sista’ leadership, we will get through this and blaze a path to a better way – and a better love.