Tag Archives: slider

The HIV-Killing Condom Is Here… And A HIV-Killing Tampon Is On Its Way…

By now, you have probably heard it’s here: a condom that gives you that extra protection so you can kick back and get your grove on with less worry about infection – and more focus on pleasure.

Condoms with HIV-killing VivaGel® lubricant will be available in Australia in just a few months. Developed by an Australian biotech company, VivaGel kills HIV, other viruses such as HPV and HSV (herpes), as well as your run-of-the-mill STDs.  Such super condoms will be introduced by Ansell,the world’s second largest condom manufacturer, under the brand name  LifeStyles Dual Protect™ After hitting Australia, the condom should come out in Japan and eventually make it to the U.S.

But, did you also know the HIV-Killing tampon is in development, as well? As recently reported by salon.com, a group of University of Washington researchers is developing an HIV-fighting tampon that would dissolve within minutes inside your vagina before sex to fight HIV. But, the novel product is still in clinical trials. It may take five years or more before the feminine product makes it to the shelves in the U.S. and else where in the world.

But, if you plan to use the HIV-killing condoms to get your grove on twice a day for two weeks or more, a critic says the ground-breaking barrier method could cause irritation and inflammation making you more susceptible to HIV and HPV. HPV researcher Anna-Barbara Moscicki, M.D., a pediatrics professor at University of California, San Fransisco reported to The Huffington Post that VivaGel, as an intravaginal cream, caused mild irritation and inflammation in her test subjects. However, the professor’s study used a higher concentration of the drug than the condoms will. 

Equally important to note, VivaGel is also being developed to provide relief for bacterial vaginosis. Vaginosis is caused by an imbalance of the normal vaginal bacteria which can produce an unpleasant odor in the genital area. 


He woke me up with his lips wrapped firmly around my clit.  I didn’t realize this right away though.  At first I was only aware of feeling deliciously erotic as I slowly regained consciousness after a long, deep sleep.  By the time I realized what he was doing my body was already responding naturally to this pure, uncut pleasure.

He was gentle … almost too gentle.  But it felt so good!  I almost didn’t want him to know I was awake for fear that he’d stop.  But he knew.  Without losing contact with my pussy, he glanced up at me and winked.  I smiled and relaxed, resolved to wring as much pleasure out of this as I possibly could.

But as he continued to suckle and manipulate my clit with his mouth, I slowly began to crave more.  I wanted him inside me … I needed to feel his weight on top of me.  But I know my man.  He won’t stop until I scream, so I settled back to enjoy this delicious morning treat.

And it didn’t take him to long to get me there, either.  With a little nudge of my hips, he began to lick and suck faster and harder.  And just when I began to feel that first flutter of an orgasm, he added his fingers into the mix.

Yes … right there … like that!

I’m not sure if I spoke out loud or if he could read my mind, because it just got better and better.  I grabbed his head to hold him in that exact position.  He was so compliant, allowing me to grind against his face harder and harder.  And then suddenly, my mind exploded into a million little stars, and I was flying to the moon!

I didn’t even get a chance to catch my breath before he was on top of me, cramming his enormous dick inside me as I slowly came back down to earth.

“Good morning,” he whispered, kissing me on my upturned lips.  I could taste myself on his mouth.

“Good morning to you,” I replied when he finally let me up for air.  I wrapped my legs around his waist to pull him closer, and when I did so, he closed his eyes and moaned.

I loved the way he rolled his hips in a nice, steady rhythm.  He was still being gentle, knowing that I’m sensitive down there after I cum.  But I could feel the urgency in his movements.  He was trying to restrain himself, but his need was mounting.  I appreciated his patience.

Finally fully recovered, I was ready for him to take me.  I was ready for him to let go and wrench his pleasure from my body.  I started to match each one of his thrusts with an even harder one of my own.  He moaned louder and began to pound into me a little faster.

This was better, but I could tell he was still holding back.  Grabbing my knees, I helped him shift his weight so that he could put my legs around my shoulders.  Now he was as deep inside me as he could possibly get, and it left me breathless.

“Go ahead,” I urged him.  “Take your pussy!”

That’s all he needed to hear.  Rising up onto his knees and using my thighs to brace himself, he started to pound his way to glory.  His groans sounded raw and wild, and I was just as loud.

I watched as he threw his head back in ecstasy, his eyes shut and his neck muscles taut.  He was getting close, which was a good thing.  His weight on my thighs was making it harder and harder for me to breathe.  But there was no way I was going to stop him.  Not when he was so very close to nirvana.

Somehow he managed to pound even harder, even faster.  And he angled his body towards me so that his pelvis hit my quivering clit hard.  It felt so good it almost hurt!

Now my own orgasm was building and he could tell.  Releasing one of my thighs, he used one hand to brace himself on the bed.  Then he started hitting it so hard, my own hips lifted off the bed with each thrust.  I grabbed his arms for support and couldn’t help it when my fingernails dug into his flesh.

He was frowning now, his face showing the strain of his exertion.  Sweat dripped from his forehead and mingled with my own.  His moans were more like growls and that just amped up my own ardor.  His dick felt so painfully good, tears formed in my eyes.

And then our eyes met … and suddenly we were in the exact same place: teetering on the edge of an abyss so deep it was almost scary.

I bit my lip as my climax began to take hold.  And as much as I wanted to keep watching him, I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore.  This was about to be a huge one, and I was powerless to stop it.

Just as my body exploded in pleasure, he let go, too.  I don’t know who screamed louder, me or him.  And then we were floating together in paradise.

It took us longer than usual to recover.  He held me so tightly in his arms, his heartbeat felt like my own.  We were panting and purring and whispering those little nonsensical words one whispers in these moments.  He planted sweet little kisses on my forehead.  I buried my face in his muscled chest and sighed contentedly.

And then the alarm clock went off signaling that it was time to get ready for work.  I really do love me some morning sex!

Dr. Drai: Sizing Up Your Man’s Parts

How big does a man’s rod have to be – to be big enough?! How big is too big? What about if you’re pregnant? Can your man’s Johnson do damage to the baby?

We all want – and need – sexual pleasure.  For many of us, this means having a gentleman who is big enough – or moves it well enough – to satisfy us. But, how big is too big?

What if it hurts?!  Or worse yet, what if you start to bleed?

SuzyKnew! addresses this issue in What If He’s Just Too Big?! and Dr. Drai keeps the conversation going by giving us his professional obgyn opinion on a man’s size and when it’s time to take out a ruler!



Dr. Draion M Burch, DO (Dr. Drai) is among the country’s most well-known and respected obygn physicians and surgeons. He travels throughout the US lecturing on insights and strategies for improving women’s health. He is also a respected expert, visionary and leading thinker in the area of transgender health. Dr Drai has been published in leading medical journals and is frequently called upon by local and national media to give a fresh perspective and new information on women’s health trends.


He likes when I get there before him.  I do, too.  I like the anticipation of waiting for him to arrive, taking my time to get ready for him.  I always arrange the lighting just so, turn on some romantic music and even add a spritz of his favorite perfume behind my knees.  In fact, the build up to our rendezvous always leave me a little breathless with excitement.

Sometimes, he gives me specific instructions to follow.  “Be naked,” he’ll say.  “And leave the door cracked so that I can just walk in.  I want you on your hands and knees in the middle of the bed.”

Once, he wanted me to greet him wearing only high heels and a blindfold.  Another time I surprised him and answered the door in a sexy bustier and thigh-highs.  And then there was the time he brought handcuffs!  That was really fun. 

This last time he knew exactly what he wanted.  He called me and said that he wanted me to “… open the door naked, and then fall to your knees and suck me!”

Otis* is one of my boyfriends.  Yeah, I have more than one.  But, I’m not sleeping with all of them.  Besides, you know me: I’m always safe and always honest.

Anyway, Otis and I hardly ever see each other.  He lives 2,000 miles away and only comes to town a couple of times a year.  Early in our relationship, we established a routine of meeting at nice hotels rather than my apartment.  In fact, he’s never even seen my current place and I’ve never seen where he lives, either.  We like it that way … it works for us.  Our entire relationship works for us.

We stay in touch regularly because we’re actually good friends.  He gives great advice about everything from work-related stuff to finances, to whatever man drama I happen to be going through.  But at least twice a year he comes to town and we get together, usually spending one or two nights on sexual lockdown in a nice hotel. 

This time when Otis arrived, I was shaking with anticipation.  Like he asked, I was completely naked when I answered his knock.  But before I could honor his other request and drop to my knees, he pulled me into his arms for a long, searing kiss. 

We kissed passionately for a few moments, unable to tear ourselves from each other’s arms.  It had been more than six months since we’d laid eyes on each other and I’d missed him.  And judging from the bulge in his pants, he’d missed me, too.

We finally ended the kiss and it was time to play my part.  I was a little nervous and fumbled a bit with his belt.  He helped me though, and in no time at all, I had him deep in my mouth. 

My nerves immediately settled once I started sucking him.  I was in familiar territory and knew exactly what Otis liked.  Within minutes he was moaning my name and reaching his peak.  Mission accomplished!  Now it was my turn.

I stretched out on the bed and waited for what was sure to be a treat.  For the past few weeks, Otis had been obsessed with going down on me.  He texted about it, he called me in the middle of the night about it (which always led to some pretty intense phone sex).  To hear him tell it, he couldn’t think about anything else!  Just that morning, when he called to confirm our rendezvous and give me my “instructions”, he said that as soon as I was done with him, he was going to spend hours just feasting on me! 

And he didn’t lie.  Without speaking a word, Otis joined me on the bed and went at me like I was his last meal.  And man, did he work it out, too!  He wasn’t just content to eat me the old fashioned way with me on my back.  No, he came at me from every angle! 

At one point, I was lying on my side, hanging off the edge of the bed, with one leg in the air.  I’m not even sure exactly where the rest of his body was, but I think it was behind me.  Anyway, his tongue was doing things to me that had me begging for mercy!  To this day, I’m still not sure exactly what happened.

I finally had to stop after having yet another explosive orgasm while sitting on his face.  I collapsed on the bed and told him “No more”!  I was covered in sweat, my thighs were still trembling, and I’m pretty sure I summoned every known deity in the universe.  But there’s just so much mind-numbing pleasure a girl can take!

We rested a while and finally had a chance to catch up with each other.  We chatted about our jobs, our kids (he’s divorced with joint custody), a few friends we have in common.  And then it was time to get back to the business at hand.

Here’s what I love about my rendezvous with Otis: we can go from casual conversation about report cards and driver’s training to wild and nasty sex in seconds.  And both are equally enjoyable. 

But he didn’t travel 2,000 miles and pay for that expensive room to chit-chat.  And six months without an Otis fix is just too long.  So we got busy.  Nothing too fancy this time, just good, old-fashioned, down ‘n dirty sex!

Otis has this way of wringing orgasms out of me no matter how exhausted I am.  The way my body responds to his touch, his voice … I swear that man can make me cum from across the room!  And I didn’t too badly either, if I do say so myself.  I had him screaming my name and begging for more.  In other words, we had fun!

We spent the entire weekend in bed, ordering room service every few hours to refuel and taking the occasional shower.  By the time we checked out on Sunday, we were both exhausted and sore, but sated.  Returning to the real world (he had to rush to the airport and I had to pick up my kid) wouldn’t be easy after a weekend of decadence, but at least we were smiling.

It might be another six months before I see Otis again, but it’ll probably take me that long to recover!

*Otis isn’t his real name, of course.  I always changed the names and a few details to protect the not-so-innocent!

ASK AN OBGYN: Do I Still Need An Annual Pelvic Exam?

In July, the American College of Physicians (the governing body that sets the standards for how doctors in the U.S. practice medicine) recommended changes to the annual well-woman exam.    A panel of experts looked at over sixty years of scientific studies on conditions such as cancer, infections, and pelvic inflammatory disease.  This led them to question the value of one part of the well-woman check up, the pelvic exam.  In particular they questioned whether all adult women need this exam each and every year.

Ladies, you may be thinking- Wow, I’m off the hook!  Well, not exactly, read on…..

The well woman exam has three parts– Breast exam, Pelvic exam, and Screening and Diagnostic tests, the most important being the Pap Smear screening for cervical cancer.  The Pelvic exam consists of three parts- an inspection of the external genitalia, an inspection of the internal organs (using a tool called a speculum to see the cervix and vaginal walls), and a manual exam to feel the cervix, uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes (in which the doctor inserts two-fingers into the vagina and presses on your abdomen).

After a review of all available studies, the panel recommended that if a woman is low-risk she does not need a pelvic exam each and every year.   Low risk in this case means: non-pregnant, no symptoms that would indicate illness, no present illness, no history of illness, or no relevant family history of illness.

This recommendation is a huge deal for health care practitioners and has led to a lot of heated discussion.  The Pelvic exam is often part of the routine when women come in for prescription birth control.  Some doctors are reluctant to change their practice.  Some women (including women who have difficulty accessing health care due to poverty, language barriers, etc..) may not see a doctor for years, and doctors that work in these health clinics feel that they need to catch women in the moment.

Other doctors welcome the recommendation.  Colombia University professor Dr. Carolyn Westoff is one doctor who has looked critically at why doctors have insisted on this exam for many years.  She wrote in The Journal of Women’s Health that frequent pelvic exams “may partly explain why U.S. rates of ovarian cystectomy and hysterectomy are more than twice as high as rates in European countries, where the use of the pelvic examination is limited to symptomatic women.”

There are several groups wrestling with this issue- the doctors and medical associations (in charge of your health), insurance companies (in charge of the health care spending), and legal folks (thinking about safety and consumer protections).

But while they hash this out- what should women do?

Here is some advice:

1)     Continue to schedule your annual exam.  Just because one test or procedure is being reevaluated, doesn’t mean we should “toss the baby out with the bathwater”.   You need a check up to catch some major stuff, like heart disease (leading killer of women in the U.S) and other scary stuff like diabetes.  And, importantly, you still need the other parts of the well woman exam, specifically the breast exam and screening tests such as the Pap smear.

2)     Follow your doctors advice.  Your doctor or nurse practitioner will treat you as an individual, looking at your personal history and risk factors.  If you need a pelvic exam they will give you one.   There are also specific recommendations of frequency of Pap smear and Mammograms.  Your doctor will tell you if you need these tests every year, or as is the case for most healthy women, you may need certain tests every two or three years.

3)     Share your concerns with your doctor.  Many women (see the SuzyKnew! posting on vaginismus) have real difficulty with a pelvic exam and may even avoid going to the doctor because of fear or pain.   If this is you, than the new recommendation may be music to your ears!  In any case, find a doctor that you can relate to and you can speak to comfortably.

The Golden Tongue: My Night With The Master SIZZLE WITH SOPHIA

Alright, y’all.

I’m gonna let you in on a little secret about cunnilingus: there is no perfect technique!  Yes, I know that some men swear by the “trace the alphabet on her clit with your tongue” trick.  But personally, that just gets on my nerves.  And of course, some men just flat out don’t know what the Hell they’re doing when they go down there.

But every woman is different!  What worked for his ex might make me want to kick him in the head!  And what works for me might bore his next girlfriend to tears.  No two women will respond exactly the same way to some “special” move.  The real trick is that a man must take his time and get to know what works for the woman he’s with NOW.  And ladies, it’s on us to make sure he knows this.

Let me share a story with you.  Years ago, there was this guy I knew who had a reputation for being amazing in bed.  Every woman who’d slept with him raved about him, from his huge cock to his go-all-night stamina.  But his real forte was performing oral sex.  He was said to be the master of pussy eating, with almost super-human abilities to bring women to multiple orgasms with his mouth and tongue.

I mean, I heard about this dude everywhere: over drinks, at bathroom sinks and huddled in the corners at parties.  Women said things like, “Girl, he made my pussy sing!”  Or, “He has the tongue of a god!”  Or my personal favorite, “Dude munches on the first date, and doesn’t stop until you’ve cum at least twice!”

One friend of mine referred to him as Captain Munch (like Captain Crunch, the cereal); another friend called him The Golden Tongue.  But most people called him The Master of Oral Sex, or The Master, for short.

Well, after hearing all these wonderful things, I just had to experience this oral demi-god for myself.  I was young, single and in the throes of sexual discovery.  I’d spent most of the summer hearing about his golden tongue and hey, I wanted my pussy to sing, too!

I finally got my chance at an end-of-summer party.  The huge house was crowded and the music was banging.  To calm my nerves, as soon as I arrived, I grabbed a drink: some kind of fruit-punch concoction that tasted sweet but packed a wallop.  Then, I began to stalk my prey.

He was easy to find, being the one guy surrounded by a gaggle of gorgeous women vying for his attention.  I’ll admit I almost gave up my quest.  His harem was filled with all the “pretty girls” and besides, I was getting plenty of attention from other guys.   But then I kept hearing all those voices in my head talking about multiple orgasms, singing pussies and his amazing golden tongue.  So, I kept my eyes on the prize.

I finally cornered The Master when he came out of one of the first floor bathrooms.  I knew this might be my only chance, so I moved in for the kill.  I walked right up to him and, acting drunker than I was, started talking to him.  From there it was easy.

“Isn’t there some place we can talk that isn’t so loud?”  I asked.  My eyes were all innocence, but I knew exactly what I was doing.  So did he.

We quickly headed upstairs and into one of the bedrooms.  I’ll admit my confidence waivered.  I was still young and hadn’t honed my seduction skills, yet.  But thanks to the punch, I had liquid courage pumping through my veins.  Besides, I hadn’t come this far to walk away.  I was in an empty bedroom with The Master and dammit, I was going to find out what all the hype was about!

Luckily, he took the lead and nature took its course.  We started making out, and his kissing technique was impressive.  Before long, my panties were off and he was trailing those fabulous lips down my body, headed right for my treasure.

“At last,” I thought, closing my eyes.  “Time to experience sexual nirvana!”

At first, he explored a little, testing my responses to this move or that one.  Then he settled into a nice, sensuous pace.  He clearly knew what he was doing.  But there was just one problem: it wasn’t working for me!

I mean, technically he was doing everything right.  His tongue was nimble and his lips were firm, just the way I like.  And from the sounds he was making, he was enjoying himself.

But, it wasn’t moving me!

Worried, I checked myself to see if maybe I was the problem.  Nope!  I was relaxed, confident and aroused … yet, I was no closer to an orgasm than when I first walked into the party.

The Master was intuitive enough to realize I wasn’t getting there, so we changed positions.  I sat on his face so I could set the pace.  But even that didn’t work.  Neither did him licking me from behind.  We tried everything and finally settled for some mediocre intercourse, after which he kindly used his hand to make me cum.  At least he was a gentleman.

What a let-down! I was beyond disappointed. Plus, I was a little embarrassed that I’d wasted an entire night chasing after some elusive orgasm from the mouth of a guy who was supposed to be an expert. Sure I’d climaxed, but not the way I’d wanted to. I had looked forward to some kind of out-of-body experience, and all I got was the same thing I could have gotten from myself.

I never told anyone what happened, so his perfect sexual reputation remained intact. After all, he really hadn’t done anything wrong. And his dick was huge, so that part of his mythos was true.

Besides, he was a nice guy. And whenever The Master saw me after that night, he was always very sweet to me. To this day, we remain friendly (well, we’re friends on Facebook, anyway).

What I learned from my lukewarm experience was there is no one sure-fire technique when it comes to eating pussy. Women are just too different. Yes, there are some basic do’s and don’ts; but for the most part, each woman has her own personal map to pleasure … it’s up to her partner to find it.

I’m sure that if I’d had a few more sessions with The Master, we could have made beautiful music together. Maybe his reputation had planted unrealistic expectations in my head. After all, how could he possibly know what I liked after just a few minutes of fumbling in a strange bedroom in a house full of people? Given those circumstances it’s no wonder my attempt to reach paradise failed so miserably.

Anyway, that night didn’t ruin cunnilingus for me. On the contrary, I went on to have plenty of amazing experiences receiving oral sex. And when it was exceptionally good (I’m talking earth-shattering, mind-numbing, make-you-drool kind of good), it was always with someone who’d taken the time to learn my body.

The pleasure of oral sex on a woman starts and ends with that woman. She has to know her body before she can receive pleasure from anyone else, oral or otherwise. She also has to be willing to help her man along … she just can’t send him downtown without any directions! She needs to guide him to her pleasure, gently allowing him to learn what she likes and dislikes.

So, the moral of the story is that the best technique for going down on a woman depends on that woman. A sensitive man will learn what works for his woman. And a self-confident, comfortable-in-her-own-skin woman will know how to enjoy this precious gift from her man.


Too Old For Roommates? Think Again. Guest Blogger Eleanore Wells – Spinsterlicious

By now, we all know about the rise in single people and that, for the first time in U.S. history, there are more single people than there are married people.

And because of this growth in the number of single people, all kinds of interesting things are happening to change the status quo.  For example, having roommates used to be a temporary step until you got yourself together: while in college –or- shortly after graduating but before finding a job with an income high enough for you to afford your own place –or- before you set up house with your significant other.

Having a roommate used to be something only young people do…but not anymore.

I recently came across a book called My House, Our House by Louise Machinist, Jean McQuillin, and Karen Bush, three single women who bought a house together and have been successfully living together as grown-up roommates for seven years, and counting.  They call it “cooperative housing” and it may be the next new wave of living styles, as more people remain unmarried but don’t necessarily want to live alone.  The book even has a quiz in the back to help you decide if cooperative living is for you.

And while seven years ago, what Louise, Jean, and Karen were doing might have been seen as odd, it’s becoming a little more common.  The NY Times recently ran an article on the growing numbers of people –often women, but not always—who are shacking up with likeminded adults.

This concept, also called communal living, is an opportunity for people who aren’t married but don’t necessarily want to live alone to share their lives with people who think like they do.  It’s also an opportunity to save money and to go to bed at night with the consolation that if you have an emergency, someone is there.

Beyond the financial and security advantage, there are other upsides to having grown-up roommates, including having someone to share the housework and cooking, built-in companionship, and someone to kill bugs if that’s not your thing.

If you’re thinking about this, background checks and references are essential.  Plus, you should spend some time with your potential roomies to make sure you really do get along.

I kind of like this idea.  While I love living alone, I can appreciate that there may come a time when I no longer want to and I like that there’s a reasonable option.  I envision a situation like the Golden Girls, where I’m living, laughing, fighting, and just having fun with a couple of girlfriends on an all-the-time basis.  This could become a new normal. It’s an interesting concept that I bet we’ll see more of in the coming years.

DR. DRAI: Vagina Regimens Gone Wrong

Dr. Drai, a board-certified obgyn and a practicing physician and teaching faculty member at Magee-Womens Hospital, says most of his clients want to know more about their vaginas and sexual health. They come in to see him with (fishy) odors and want to know how to fix it. Many douche or take tub baths using those hard to resist bath goodies from Bath and Body Works, The Body Shop or other places, that can lead to problems down there. They run see the obgyn thinking they have an STD (SuzyKnew! believes getting checked out by the doc is a good thing). Sometimes it is an STD, and sometimes it’s  bacterial vaginosis. But, often it’s our vagina regimen that’s the problem.

Many of us get our vagina regimens from our mothers, grandmothers and aunts who don’t always have the latest medical info. Douching and spraying feminine hygiene products aren’t good ways to keep it healthy down there. While at first all seems and smells good; these practices can run afoul. SuzyKnew! brought you Straight Talk On Feminine Hygiene and Douching, and now Dr. Drai keeps the conversation going.

Dr. Drai explains how he helps his clients get on the right track for vaginal and sexual health.  For more info from Dr. Drai, see DrDrai.com.


Dr. Draion M Burch, DO (Dr. Drai) is among the country’s most well-known and respected obygn physicians and surgeons. He travels throughout the US lecturing on insights and strategies for improving women’s health. He is also a respected expert, visionary and leading thinker in the area of transgender health. Dr Drai has been published in leading medical journals and is frequently called upon by local and national media to give a fresh perspective and new information on women’s health trends.


My Boyfriend Feels Inadequate Because I Don’t Orgasm During Intercourse: ASK JANICE


Dear Janice,

Just recently, my boyfriend of three years threw me for a loop.  I thought we enjoyed a satisfying sex life, but apparently he disagreed.  His problem:  he’s frustrated that I only orgasm through manual or oral stimulation, not during intercourse!  When I asked him why it mattered as long as we both enjoyed ourselves, he said it made him feel inadequate.  Ever since our conversation, he’s seemed reluctant to make love with me.  What should I do?  Should I start faking orgasms to make him feel better?


Not a Faker


Dear Not a Faker,

My first thought when I read your letter was “at least she has a man who cares whether or not she cums”!  Girl, consider yourself blessed to have a man whose heart (and tongue) seems to be in the right place: he’s obviously willing to do whatever you need to achieve orgasms.  However, his feelings of inadequacy just because you don’t orgasm during regular intercourse are misguided.

I can’t tell from your letter why you don’t orgasm during intercourse.  Is it a matter of him finishing a little too quickly?  Could it be that the positions you try don’t allow for enough direct contact with your clitoris?  It’s likely easier for you to achieve orgasm through manual and oral stimulation because of the direct contact with your clitoris.

At any rate, I’d hate to see this issue ruin your three year relationship, especially when it doesn’t have to.  First of all, even though he’s willing to stimulate your clitoris enough to bring you to orgasm manually and orally, I’m not sure your man fully understands the importance of that delicate little organ of yours.  Explain to him (or remind him) that women are blessed with a piece of anatomy whose sole purpose in life is pleasure!

Where the man’s penis is a multi-purpose organ with about 4,000 nerve endings, our glorious clitoris, which only exists for our pleasure, has more than 8,000 nerve endings!  That’s why, for many women, the clitoris can’t be left out of the equation during sex.

You might try positions where your clitoris can be more engaged in the act.  For example, if you get on top and angle your body just so, your clitoris can be stimulated by coming into direct contact with his pelvis.  Or, no matter who’s on top, one or the both of you can also manually stimulate your clitoris during the act, as well.  Experiment and I guarantee you’ll have fun finding ways to make it work for you.

Now, if the issue is that you just need a little more time to orgasm during intercourse, there are other things you can try.  Go online and research cock rings and other devices that help delay ejaculation.  Nowadays you can order just about anything your heart desires online, and it will come directly to your front door in discreet packaging.  There are also natural ways for a man to delay ejaculation involving deep breathing and different positions.  Again, do a little research online.  There’s a wealth of information out there.

Finally, you both need to remember that the female orgasm starts and ends in the woman’s brain.  There could be any number of emotional and psychological reasons why you don’t orgasm during intercourse, and they may have nothing to do with your boyfriend.  Only you can determine that, though.

As far as faking it goes, while I’m all for honesty in relationships, I do believe there are times when it’s okay.  For example, you’ve had a horrible day and have a lot on your mind.  You welcome and enjoy the intimacy of making love with your man, but because of where your head is, an orgasm just ain’t gonna happen.  I mean he could magically turn into Idris Elba and lick you for eight hours, and you still won’t cum!  You don’t want him to feel bad, so you put on a little show and fake it.  In fact, you do such a good job it makes him cum even faster.  Now everybody’s happy and you can get some much needed sleep.  Under those circumstances, it’s okay to fake it.

But to fake it all the time just because your guy insists that you have orgasms during intercourse?  Nah, I don’t recommend it.  That kind of deception will only undermine your relationship and you might come to resent him.  Just try some of my suggestions and reassure him that you’ve been very satisfied with your sex life.  If he still has issues, assume that there are bigger problems afoot.

Good luck!