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Everywhere you look, folks are talking about being “turnt up”.  Well, turning it up is fine every once in a while.  But if you ask me, I’d rather be turned out!

No, I don’t mean turned out on drugs or by a pimp!  I mean turned out in a good way with some good, old-fashioned, mind-blowing, head-banging, thigh quivering, toe-curling, slap-yo-mama sex!

Do you remember the first guy who turned you out, sexually?  Not the first guy you slept with, because everybody talks about that one.  This isn’t about your first time.

I’m talking about the first man to take your sex game to a whole new level.  You know … the first guy who had you speaking in tongues and praying to deities you didn’t even know existed.  He’s the one who had you making those ugly faces in bed, and not caring if you sweated out your hair.

I’m talking about the one who made you get so nasty you couldn’t even look him in the eye afterwards.  He had you doing things you’d only heard about and you loved it!  In fact, he probably taught you things about your own body that you’d never even imagined.  And to this day, you still get compliments on the skills you learned under his patient instruction.

Remember him?  Yeah, that’s the one.  You know exactly who I’m talking about now, don’t you?  What was his name?

Mine was Orlando*.  We met when I was young and getting over a break-up.  I wanted to enjoy my freedom, but wasn’t looking for a serious relationship.  Besides, Orlando wasn’t really my “type”.  It’s not that he was ugly or anything.  But he was a lot older than me, and seemed so serious all the time.

We met through mutual friends and I could tell he was interested right away.  But I really wasn’t feeling him.  I was young and carefree and he seemed so mature and … well, boring.

Boy was I wrong!  Boring?  Not even a little bit.  He turned my young ass all the way out!  Dude had me crawling out of my skin and climbing the walls!  And all the men I’ve been with since owe him a huge debt of gratitude.

It started at a small party.  I was in a horrible mood when I arrived because I’d just found out my ex had moved on to a new girlfriend.  Not that I wanted him back, it just sucked that he’d gotten over me so fast.

My friends insisted I go to this party just so I wouldn’t sit at home feeling sorry for myself.  So I got there pretty late and socialized just enough to not seem rude.  And then I sat at the bar to drown my sorrows.  I was on my second drink when Orlando made his move.

Maybe it was the brown liquor.  Maybe it was my crappy mood and my bruised ego.  Whatever it was, Orlando didn’t seem all that boring that night.  He was attentive without being pushy, and he even managed to make me smile.  I was surprised to find myself enjoying his company.

In hindsight, I realize Orlando played me like a fiddle.  Anyone with eyes could read my mood that night.  He just bided his time and then said all the right things.  The alcohol didn’t hurt, either.

Anyway, it didn’t take much for Orlando to convince me to go to his place that night.  Mind you, I wasn’t drunk.  I knew exactly what I was doing.  Still, driving was out of the question and I’d had just enough to be able to blame any later regrets on the alcohol.  Plus, he was doing wonders for my ego.

What followed was a night so satisfying I still fantasize about it to this day!  Orlando rocked my world from the moment we stepped into his 2nd floor apartment until my walk of shame the next morning.  I went to his place expecting nothing more than a little pick-me-up from my bad mood.  What I got instead was a lesson in all night passion and mind-blowing sex.

Orlando was so good because he was patient and attentive.  He took my body to paradise slowly, paying close attention to what worked and what didn’t.  For the first time in my young life, I was with a man who was more concerned about my pleasure than his own, and that was a revelation.  He introduced me to erogenous zones I didn’t even know existed, and made every single nerve ending in my body come alive!

He also taught me how to make a man writhe with pleasure.  He tweaked my blow job style, patiently talking me through new tricks and skills.  Because he made me feel so good, I wanted to please him.  So I was more than willing to let him guide me.

Nothing was forced or rushed.  It didn’t feel like a race to the finish.  In fact, Orlando showed me how good it can be when you delay your release, staying right at the precipice of nirvana for as long as possible.  Under his patient tutelage, I learned how to enjoy the journey to the orgasm as much as the orgasm itself.

Speaking of orgasms, that night I had several.  For the first time, I knew how it felt to be multi-orgasmic and it changed my life!  Even better, I learned how to make them last, riding wave after wave of pleasure until I was breathless and weak.

I still get chills just thinking about it.

It wasn’t about love or romance that night.  It was about pure, unbridled pleasure.  I’d grudgingly gone to a party to nurse a bruised ego and stumbled upon a generous, skillful lover who totally rocked my world.  I don’t know where Orlando is now, but I’m grateful for everything he taught me.  He truly helped make me the woman I am today.

So ladies, let’s raise a glass to our sexual Svengalis, the ones who gave us our first real taste of ecstasy.  We owe them at least that much.  After all, without their patient coaching, we wouldn’t be the sexual divas we are now, would we?

*Y’all already know that’s not his real name, right?  Names and details are always changed to protect the not so innocent!


Originally published on SexySingleMommy.net

How To Work With Your Hormones: An Interview With Yoga Goddes Zahra Haji By Holly Grigg-Spall

Zahra Haji is the director and founder of Yoga Goddess and creator of the Moon Goddess meditation and yoga program for female fertility. She recently launched the #NotPsychoPeriod campaign to draw attention to women’s cyclical nature and deconstruct myths around PMS and “hormonal” moods.

What do you see as the #1 misconception women have about their hormone cycles?

I think the number 1 misconception is our hormones are our nemesis – or like a wild animal that needs to be tamed. Instead of realizing the power in our cyclical nature and the gifts the four phases of our cycle brings most women are fighting like mad to stay ‘on’ by over exercising or drinking more coffee and essentially forcing the body to skip over the natural rest and restore phase of our cycles. If a woman actually goes with the flow of her hormones she can be natural power house without burning herself out because she’s working with her hormones (and her cycle) not against it!

Women who are trying to get pregnant hear more these days about the importance of diet for boosting fertility, but you focus on other aspects of lifestyle that are perhaps lesser known. What advice might you give a woman who feels she’s eating all the right things and being healthy per recommendations, and yet still cannot conceive?

This is such an important question because eating all the right foods, taking all the right supplements and essentially trying to get it all ‘right’ is very much the masculine or yang way of problem-solving and working harder. What a woman trying to conceive needs more than anything is to shift out of doing more and trying harder into a place of softening, allowing and receiving – this is the feminine, yin energy that opens a woman’s energy to co-creating with life. There needs to be a balance between the energy of ‘doing’ and ‘being’. The good news is most women are already masters in the masculine but what they need is to surrender into the feminine which is where life is born from. Making this transition is in my experience how a woman who has been struggling with infertility can open to the miracle of pregnancy.

Once a woman knows how to use her cycle knowledge to prevent or achieve pregnancy, what else might she be interested in gaining from this new awareness?

So much! A woman’s cycle holds the key to ancient feminine wisdom that is her birthright. Without this information being a woman can feel confusing, painful and downright crazy-making. By working with your cycle you can excel at work, improve your relationships, heal your body and reconnect with the Divine Feminine. Literally your cycle is a guide map of success in practically every aspect of your life. For instance, when you realize that every month right after your period you have a surge of mental and physical energy you can use that time to catch up on work that requires focused attention or get ahead on a project that slowed down when you were in the rest and restore phase of your cycle (the luteal and menstrual phase). Because estrogen peaks during or right after menstruation if you’re working with your cycle you’ll know this is your most productive time to get things done. It’s also the worst time to tackle relationship issues because you’re most out of touch with your emotions and will likely come across as cold and uncaring. But if you wait until ovulation you’ll be much more in touch with your heart.


How can an additional awareness of nature and the moon cycles help women to enjoy their own hormone cycles and perhaps, better utilize Fertility Awareness?


The moon is my favourite symbol of fertility because just like a woman’s hormones the moon waxes and wanes from darkness to light. The full moon is a perfect symbol for how we feel during our ovulation phase. When we’re flowing with our hormones, ovulation is meant to be a time when we’re shining bright. Our sexuality and sensuality are at their peak making us more attractive (to ourselves and others!). We feel more social and outgoing and we enjoy connecting with friends, family and of course with our partners. Conversely, just like the dark moon when a woman’s hormones wane her energy begins to darken. It’s a temporary but natural slowing down, like the winter months that draw us inwards into a place of quiet reflection. It’s normal to feel less social and yearn alone time. In terms of fertility, when a woman gives herself permission to flow with her cycle energy ovulation can be a time of exciting experimentation (if trying to avoid pregnancy) or a time to really connect to the love she feels for her partner (if trying to conceive). And rather than feel like a failure or like an inconvenience, menstruation is the perfect time to let go of limiting beliefs and plant the seeds for what a woman wants to co-create with life. Like the Winter menstruation offers us the time and space to slow down, retreat and create anew.

Is there a part of yoga practice that directly connects with the female cyclical nature or is this connection your own creation? 

Yes and yes! Kundalini yoga calls on the energy of Mata Shakti – the Great Mother Energy and awakens it in the practitioner. I have included both Kundalini Yoga and Hatha Yoga in the practice plus guided visualizations for each phase of the menstrual cycle to connect women with their 4 ‘goddess energies’, moon cycle charting and more. When a woman follows the Moon Goddess Yoga & Meditation program she is creating a container where she can surrender to the feminine and return home to herself. Women tell me that’s the biggest gift they get from the Moon Goddess practice. They also get the fringe benefits of healing infertility, painful and missing periods, pms, fibroids, cysts, and a host of other hormonal issues.


In a recent blog post you discuss the real statistics of fertility and getting pregnant in your 30s. What is the most important takeaway from this post would you say? What’s should a woman in her late 30s do to ensure she can get pregnant if and when she wants?


The most important takeaway is know the truth about your fertility. It’s not so much your age that’s going to dictate your fertility it’s the state of your hormones. If you are caring for your hormonal health by working with your cycle, avoiding endocrine disrupting chemicals like the birth control pill, pesticides and preservatives in beauty care products etc. you can preserve your fertility well into your 40’s. But if you are burning yourself out by over exercising, not getting enough sleep, eating without proper nourishment, over exposing yourself to chemical products and being in a constant state of overdrive then you will burn out your fertility too. I just turned 40 and I have the hormne levels of a woman in her late 20’s. Proper rest for your mind and body are essential for your fertility. If you don’t know how to relax and let go then try a practice like Moon Goddess that will guide you inwards. The answers aren’t out there somewhere, they’re truly inside you. It sounds trite unless you know how to tune in and listen. That’s what I want every women to know how to do. Connect and listen to her body, her cycle and her hormones. They have so much nourishment to offer you if you only know how to work with them not against them.

Holly Grigg-Spall

Holly Grigg-Spall

Marketing Consultant and Blog Editor

When she came off the birth control pill after 10 years in 2009, Holly decided to write a blog about the experience. That blog became a series of articles, and then book, “Sweetening the Pill,” which then inspired a feature documentary, currently in production and executive produced by Ricki Lake. She is a fertility awareness and body literacy advocate and educator, a Daysy enthusiast, and excited to help more women come off the birth control pill and find a natural, effective alternative.



The New Lady Viagra Is A Flop!

SuzyKnew! hates to be the bearer of bad news – especially when it comes to a lady’s sexual health. But, by all accounts, Addyi – the so-called female Viagra  – is a flop! And, SuzyKnew! had such high hopes.

Late last month researchers reported that the average benefit women receive from taking the daily pill is an additional one half of one satisfying sexual encounter a month. Don’t ask what “one half” of a satisfying sexual encounter is. The study was published in JAMA Internal Medicine showing results were weaker than those submitted to the FDA during the drug approval process.

In December of last year, Cindy Whitehead, the CEO of Sprout, the pharma company that introduced Addyi, stepped down. And,Valeant, the company that acquired Addyi for $1 billion in August 2015, has been under the spotlight for questionable accounting practices for nearly two years. Today, the drug maker’s stock plunged 51% reporting its worst day ever.

Sales of Addyi have been very weak and disappointing, especially given the high price Valeant paid to acquire the drug. Instead of generating the expected $100 – $150 million in sales for the year, Addyi is only pulling in around the equivalent of $11 million. Click here for a news video

Hopefully, this isn’t the end of trying to find solutions – both natural and pharmaceutical – for low libido in women. Let a sista’ know!


Learn About Your Menstrual Cycle: The Fifth Vital Sign

How much do you know about menstrual health? What are the benefits of charting your menstrual cycle? What feminine hygiene products are the healthiest and are you using a birth control method best for you?

Kelsey and Emily are a nurse and doula traveling around the country giving free classes on menstrual health.  They are helping people understand that the menstrual cycle is the fifth vital sign after body temperature, blood pressure, pulse and breathing that helps you monitor your health.  SuzyKnew! is sponsoring their free class which will be held in the Holton Resource Center, 401 North Driver Street, Durham, NC 27703 March 14 6:30- 8:30 pm.

See The Fifth Vital Sign video clip below or click here. See The Fifth Vital Sign Class Facebook page to find a class near you.


Dr. Drai: 4 Health Conditions That Could Leave You Heartbroken


Whether you believe it or not, the answer is B. HEART DISEASE. I know it’s a shocker because we hear more about breast cancer in the media. According to the American Heart Association, 1 in every 2 women will die from cardiovascular disease aka heart disease. So what puts you at risk? Here are 4 health conditions that can leave you heartbroken. Pay close attention! I’m trying to save lives here…


It’s nice to be “high on life”, but make sure your blood pressure is not high too. Things that can cause high blood pressure are smoking, eating salty foods, excessive alcohol use, stress, and obesity. When your blood pressure is elevated you are more likely to have heart attacks and strokes. The goal for women under the age of 60 is to have a blood pressure less than 140/90. If you are older than 60 years old, your goal blood pressure should be less than 150/90.


Cholesterol is the build-up of fat in your blood that can cause heart disease. Your cholesterol should be checked at least every 5 years. The cholesterol number that is most important for you to know is your LDL (also known as your “bad” cholesterol). Your LDL number is optimal when it’s below 100. How can you get to this goal? DIET AND EXERCISE….You can do it! If you need more help with lowering your cholesterol, your doctor can prescribe you a cholesterol lowering medication.


If you have Diabetes, your risk of heart disease is 3 to 7 times higher than women without Diabetes. That’s why it’s important for you to closely follow-up with your doctor. You have to check your blood sugars at least 4x a day. If you are on medications- oral or insulin, PLEASE take them. AND watch that diet! Remeber Diabetes is a silent killer.  Currently, it is recommended that patients with diabetes be on a cholesterol medication to help prevent heart disease.


Well, #GYNEGirls, if you have not had a menstrual period in the past year, you may be experiencing menopause. Common menopausal symptoms are hot flashes, irritability, and sleep disturbances. The average age for menopause is 51, but for some women menopause can come prematurely like in their 30s or 40s. Here’s why this is important for your heart. Before menopause, your ovaries produce hormones such as estrogen that can protect your heart from heart disease. After menopause, these hormones are at very low levels and cannot protect your ticker anymore. Your doctor may prescribe you hormone replacement therapy to improve your risk.

Even if you have any of these risk factors, you can always make a change for the better. Don’t feel as if you have to make these health changes alone. Change can be a team effort! Contact your medical provider to help you on your journey to better health.






And remember, #GYNEGirls, if you want to make lasting lifelong changes, taking baby steps is key to reaching your goal. Oprah was NOT built in a day. You can do this, ladies! Here’s to heart healthy living! No more broken heart for you!

Why I Created A Book On Failure – Guest Blogger Lillian Ogbogoh

On the 5th of March 2015, I launched my collaborative book project to the world. I had curated a project that brought together 26 other incredible people from across 5 continents and we were all speaking about one thing: How we had each failed or had failings that got in the way of us being the best versions of ourselves.

It’s funny that whenever I spoke about creating a book that not only looks at failure but holds it up as being pivotal to success, I got very puzzled expressions and worried filled questions. All echoing the sentiments of why not focus on something successful or have you considered writing on how to be better,  blah! Blah!

So let me get into the ‘why’ behind this book. I had been thinking about how we seem to be living in a time of instant success, instant fame, youtube famers and reality TV stars’ 24/7 revealing of their perfect lives, thanks to all forms of social media. I felt that this case of instantness  is creating a notion that failure is something to be ashamed of and hide. If you had less than ‘post worthy’ success the first time you attempted anything, you failed and sucked at life. To me, it seemed like the world we live in today would have us believe that failure is the antithesis to success.  Yet nothing could be further from the truth. Our failure – no matter where it is in our lives – is the precursor to success. It says to the world we, you, me are trying! We are getting into the mix of things and coming up dirty and yet we are still ready to jump back in and try again.

Ok, that is enough of my soapbox moment. I came up with this book idea holding two intentions in place. One – to shine the light on the fact that  failure happens not just to a select few. No, it’s not just you. And, two – to show that failure leads to amazing discoveries that have the possibility to change our lives and the lives of others. I thought about people we call great and high achievers, people who we hold in high esteem of having  achieved great things. The one thing they all had in common regardless of who they are, their field of expertise or gender, race or age. They all belong to an exclusive club of spectacular  failures. They have all failed not once or twice and yet they got up and created immense success in their fields and for some in new fields, I am talking about Edison, Einstein, Jordan, Jobs, Winfrey, Vera Wang and Gates.  The book was to be a testimony to how the art of failing forward was coded into our DNA hence the cover of the book, showing that we naturally learn through the process of failure and recovery and while we were kids these attempts were celebrated and championed. I’ve never heard anyone saying to a child learning to walk. “ Hmm… you have tripped over your toes five times already, so I don’t think this walking lark is for you!”

No, the child is heralded as a champion for each step he or she takes, especially when they stumble and crash land on their tiny piney. So this was the raison d’etre for the book. This is my why behind bringing 26 other people across five continents to share their stories in a book entitled Born for this! The journey to success in life, love and business. To understand that failure happens, that we will do things in life that may not get us the result we first thought  but we do get an outcome. Secondly, failure is not the result but our reaction to it determines what we see…Oh… and this is the true essence of the book: Failure only happens when we quit!

Have I mastered the art of failing forward and landing on my feet? No, and I don’t think it is a case of mastery, more of a life long relationship of learning and growing and learning how to see the situation for what it is truly away from the ego’s whispering and comparison sickness. And truth be told , I did not feel very successful after launching the book, after the hive of cross continently activities. What most people did not know is that I was in tears as the day drew to a close. I was not celebrating that the high ranking the book had received in two separate categories on Amazon but I was mourning the fact that the book had not become a bestseller. By not reaching the bestseller mark, I had let myself as well as my co-authors down. I felt ashamed and embarrassed as well as the ‘not-good-enough’ feelings that were the essence of one of my chapters. I was plagued with all of these feelings and sensations again. I forgot the two basic recipes for beating back the failure feelings. Not comparing my unique offerings to the  world with that of someone else. Comparison disease is what stops us in our tracks and robs us of seeing the value of what we have done and who we are. I forgot to see the bigger picture that the book being published was a testament to the completion of the idea. The vision was now real, and I forgot to celebrate the many positives because I was focused on the wrong thing. So, if you want to discover stories about how people fail forward and the lessons they learned to change their lives and the lessons I am still using today take a look at www.bornforthisjourney.com

Lillian Ogbogoh

Fertility Computer Or Fertility Charting – Which Is Right For You?

In this podcast interview with “Fertility Friday” host Lisa Jack, we discuss many of the common questions that can arise about using technology such as the Daysy fertility computer for fertility awareness practice; for planning or preventing pregnancy.

Highlights from our conversation:

  • How the Daysy fertility computer works with a 99.3% accuracy
  • How we’re supporting women who want to use Daysy by partnering with women’s health experts
  • How Daysy helps women in choosing to come off the Pill when they want, to avoid unwanted side effects
  • How Daysy alleviates the burden of responsibility and/or stress for women who want to use natural birth control
  • Daysy as a gateway to learning more about your body and your reproductive health
  • How some women are using Daysy, as well as tracking other fertility signs
  • The importance of meeting women “where they’re at” to strengthen and grow the burgeoning fertility awareness movement
  • How Daysy compares to hormonal birth control in terms of convenience and simplicity
  • How Daysy differs from charting apps and why a fertility computer works better for some women
  • Issues of privacy and personal data with “free” charting apps
  • How Daysy compares to and can rival the IUD
  • The creation of a diverse non-hormonal contraceptives “menu” for women
  • How fertility awareness educators can work with fertility technology

Click here to listen in and post your follow up questions in the comments. For more information read “What You Need To Know About Daysy.”


You’re reading The Daysy Planet. The most accurate, all-natural, fertility management solution for planning or preventing pregnancy. 99.3% accurate. Advanced tech with proven pedigree. Hormone-free, elegant, easy. Meet Daysy.

Written by on Feb. 5, 2016 in Body Literacy 101, Daysy Knowledge

Can A Sista’ Find ‘The Morning After Pill’ In Paris?

Paris is a city full of lovely ladies of color.  Blacks and Arabs make up around 20% of France’s population. If you’re visiting or living there, reportedly it’s easy to find ‘The Morning After Pill’ or emergency contraception.

So far, Suzyknew! has been to pharmacies in two cities where lovely ladies of color live. We’ve been to a centrally-located pharmacy in Hyattsville, MD and the pharmacy inside the airport in Lagos, Nigeria. Both pharmacies carried two brands of emergency contraceptives: one brand name and one generic.

In Paris, we visit the pharmacy located inside the Gare de Lyon train station.  Only one brand is available: ellaOne for 19.62 Euro or around $22 – $23. EllaOne, which contains ulipristal acetate unlike Plan B, Norlevo or Postinor II, is more effective in preventing pregnancy in curvy, voluptuous ladies or overweight women. Plus, it’s effective up to five days after unprotected sex unlike progestin-only pills; but, it is a little more expensive, too.

In Paris, the pharmacist was quite helpful, explaining how to take the medicine ensuring it was taken as soon after unprotected sex as possible. In Lagos, the pharmacist was helpful, too, but in Hyattsville, you are on your own unless you specifically ask for help. So, this is our third city and pharmacy and it’s good to know a sista’ in Paris can find emergency contraceptives in a hurry, even if it’s only one brand.

The Red And White Blues: Val’s Day In Ghana

The balloons have been out for a week. The radio shout-outs have started already. The flood of ads by every conceivable company, from those who sell pipes to those who sell blenders is underway. Yes, I’m in Accra and the city is Valentine-ed out. It’s more decorated than at Christmas and the performance of love is thick in the air. Ghanaians love Val’s Day. If it could be made a national holiday it would be. People in relationships or even just with crushes scramble to get the most elaborate gifts. In boarding school boys risk getting expelled by jumping the school gate just to go pick up birthday-sized cakes for the girls they like. Not having a Form One boy knock on the gate of the boarding-house with a gift he has been sent by your Form Three boyfriend to deliver to you can lead to my grandmother just died levels of depression in the girls’ dorms.

I have no boo so of course I get no gifts. I’m in a friends with benefits situation with an ex but I didn’t get a Val’s Day gift from him even when we were together so I’m definitely not holding my breath. It feels a little lonely to be left out of the love, especially when it is so commercialized and commoditized there’s no way to escape it. That is until I get kinda glad that I’m not partaking.

You see, Val’s Day can be sad to behold if you are a feminist. In every direction you look there is this uneven gendered element, starting with the gifts. Girls can get away with getting their boo a basic card and some small gift. Men have to shill out much more — chocolates, red rose(s), teddy bears, lingerie, a customized cake, a night out, the works.

Of course all this commercialization breeds some ingenuity. There is a phenomenon where guys break up with girls they don’t intend to live without in the first two weeks of February so come Val’s Day they will be momentarily single and free of expectations. A few days after Val’s Day they reappear with apologies and get their girlfriends back. “I’m sorry I didn’t get you a Val’s Day gift” they say. “I walked into this gift shop in Osu and my hands were itching to buy you this card that was more than four feet tall and this beautiful bra and panty set but we weren’t together so I didn’t think you’d even want to see anything from me.” I think the girls must see through it but they want the boo back so they forgive and hope next year’s Val’s Day will be better. There are also the relationships where the boys try to shake the chicks and the chicks see through it and do not allow themselves to be broken up with because they absolutely refuse to be boo-less on Valentine’s Day.

This one day in the year, 14th February, is a bird’s eye view into the complexity of a lot of the relationships around me. You see, what happens is that men feel exploited for money and are always trying to find a way to get more so they can get women or to find some way to get out of spending it so they can feel like they are getting one over on women. Women feel exploited for sex and are always trying to maximize the return on their coochie by getting some financial compensation or a commitment that validates them in the eyes of society by proving that they are wife material. Or they are scheming about ways to not give it up while still getting what they want from a dude. It’s a very intricate cat and mouse game. It creates this dynamic where women are extremely conscious of their vaginas and what they are doing with it. I don’t mean this in a “get regular pap smears and chart your cycle” kind of way. I mean it in a “this coochie is a valuable resource and every time I give it away I diminish its market value so I will never give it away without getting compensated in some form” kind of way. It creates this dynamic where men think they can control women with money and feel validated in being sexist because they can offer example after example about how chicks deserve to be dogged out because they are mercenary. It makes a lot of the relationships very transactional.

Of course not all relationships are like this and there is lots of genuine love here where the only things being exchanged are respect and support. But this stupid dynamic does exist and on Val’s Day it comes to the fore. Relationships in which men consider giving gifts the most important way to express love and women consider getting gifts the most important way to be shown love flourish alongside real meaningful connections. So the balloons billow all over the city, the inflated hearts dance in the wind, all the 80’s love songs fill the air and I can feel the love while I try not to notice how much of it is hollow.


F.N. is a thirty something free-lance writer from Ghana. Currently, she is trying out a new life in Washington, DC