Tag Archives: slider

Can Heavy Girls Use Emergency Contraception? ASK AN OBGYN

Dear SuzyKnew!

Tell me more about emergency contraception.  I’m a big girl, and I heard that I can’t use it.  Is this true?


Dear Reader,

Emergency Contraception (EC) – also called The Morning After Pill – can be a lifesaver for women who experience unprotected sex and want to avoid getting pregnant.   The short answer to your question is that women of all shapes and sizes can use EC, however, for heavier women, progestin-only EC may be less effective.

First, some quick facts about EC: EC can be used up to 120 hours after unprotected sex.  It does not end a pregnancy and does not work if you are already pregnant.  It acts like birth control pills, which is what most EC is after all.

There are three types of EC.  1) Pills that contain progesterone (Plan-B, Take Action, Next Choice) is the most common and available without a prescription.   2) Pills that contain Ulipristal acetate (ella) is a newer product that you can only get from a doctor and may be a better option if you are overweight.  3) The IUD, is less commonly used, but it has the added benefit is becoming your long-term (and very reliable) birth control method.

How can I get EC if I need it?:  The good news is that brand name and generic products are now available in the family planning isle of most major pharmacy chains.  Progestin-only EC is legally available on the shelf without age restrictions and can be purchased by both women and men of all ages.    EC is sold on many Internet sites, including Amazon. Ella requires a prescription; but obtaining an online prescription is possible.

EC is definitely something that all sexually active women should have on hand.  Think of the “emergency” products in your bathroom cabinet: that miracle acne cream, your migraine pills or ointment for a nasty cold sore.  You always make sure you always have enough stock right?   EC should be on the shelf.  A zit will eventually go away, an unintended pregnancy will not.  Yeah, this is serious business.  Because there is a 120 hour effectiveness window, you don’t have a lot of time to mess around getting to a pharmacy.

How does weight change things?:  This is an excellent question and a relevant one since over 35% of  American adults are obese.  In addition, women with comorbidities such as diabetes or heart disease are at higher risk of pregnancy-related complications, therefore avoidance of unintended pregnancy is especially important.

Here’s the not so good news:  EC appears to be less effective the more you weigh, and decline steadily in effectiveness with increased BMI.   These findings have come out only recently as more EC products are introduced on the market and more women of varying weight are included in clinical trails.   More studies are in the works, but for now this is what I recommend: Calculate your BMI.  If your BMI is 26 or greater, you should talk to your doctor about which EC is right for you.  Your doctor may prescribe ella which appears to have less of a weight factor.

Take care.



Ladies, have you ever had it so good it left you sex drunk?  Check out my latest adventure …

Even before he came over, we’d agreed to have a chilled evening just watching TV and cuddling.  We’d both had pretty rough days at work and agreed that all we really wanted was to relax in each other’s company.  After all, every visit doesn’t have to turn into scene from a porno movie, right?

After about an hour of cuddling on my bed, Royce* began to gently stroke my thigh.  He didn’t mean anything by it.  He was just being sweet.  My body didn’t take it that way, though.  Right away, I started to feel that familiar stirring between my legs.

I shifted my position a little, trying to get my mind back on the show we were watching.  But it was no use.  I was getting more aroused with each stroke.  As soon as he realized the effect he was having, his hand slowly began to creep higher and higher.

Right before he kissed me he whispered, “Let me just touch it a little.”

That voice of his, though!  Y’all, I’m telling you.  If he’d whispered “Let’s jump off a cliff” in that sexy voice, I’d be dead right now!

The minute his hand was inside my panties, it was over.  He knows I like a soft touch at first, so his thick fingers felt like a feather, slowly bringing my clit to attention.  Sighing, I closed my eyes, spread my legs wider and surrendered to his expert touch.

Then, just as I started to move my hips to encourage him to stroke a little harder, he stopped.  My eyes flew open, but before I could say anything, he kissed me deeply and said “I said just a little”.

“But,” I started to protest.

“Shhh …” he placed his moist finger on my lips.  “We’re just supposed to cuddle tonight.  Remember?”  Then he had the nerve to go back to watching TV like nothing happened!

Yeah, well two can play at that game.

I waited a few minutes before making my move.  Then, shifting my position, I slowly slid my hand into the waistband of his shorts.

Chuckling, he asked “What are you doing?”

“I just want to touch it a little,” I said in an innocent voice.

He was already at half-mast.  I wasn’t as gentle as he was.  He likes a firm hand, so that’s what I gave him.  In no time, he was like steel.

I climbed out of his arms and onto my knees.  This surprised him.  “I thought you said just a touch!”

“I did.  And now I want a little taste.  Okay?”  What was he gonna say, no?

He raised his hips so that I could slide off his shorts.  Then he grinned as I went in for my treat.

I sucked him vigorously, careful to stop every few minutes to lick and suck on his balls.  I went fast, then slow, and then fast again, really enjoying the taste of him.  And then, just like he’d teased me, I suddenly stopped.

“Wha…?” He was panting, now.  I quickly climbed back up and shushed him.

“I said just a little, remember?”  And then I plopped down beside him, picked up the remote and changed the channel.

“Oh, you wanna play, huh?”  His voice was low and a little menacing, as he rose to his knees above me.

Without warning, he ripped my panties right off my body.  It stung a little, but I was so shocked I barely noticed.  Then roughly spreading my legs, he leaned down and attacked my pussy with his mouth.

And I do mean attacked.  He wasn’t gentle, he wasn’t sweet … he was an animal!  Using his forearms to hold my thighs apart, he used both of his hands to spread my lips exposing my tender pearl.  Capturing it between his lips, he began licking me wildly.  The dual sensation of being sucked and licked at the same time was intoxicating!

Wincing from the intensity of his oral assault, I tried to back away and move up higher on the bed.  But he wasn’t having it.  Releasing my lips, he grabbed my hips and held me still.  I was no match for his strength.

Holding me captive, he didn’t let up, not even for a second.  And the sounds he was making!  They were more growls than moans.

It was no use fighting it, so I surrendered to his tongue.  As I relaxed into the frantic pace he’d set, he eased his grip on my hips just enough to let me to move with him.  He was pushing me towards a quick finish and I grabbed his head to steady myself for my explosion.

And then he stopped.

One minute I’m inches away from paradise and the next I’m looking up at his smug face, wet with my juices.  Frustrated, I reached down to touch myself.  I couldn’t help it.  I was too close to the edge to be denied.

But he was fast, roughly grabbing my wrists before I could even get close.

“Oh hell no,” he said.  “You don’t get to cum until I say you can cum!”  And before I could respond, he flipped me over onto my stomach.

“One of these days, you’re gonna learn not to play with me, Sophia.”  As he said this, he pulled my hips up so that I was on my knees.  Telling me not to move, he grabbed a condom and put it on so fast, he was behind me again in no time.

“But since you like games so much,” he continued as he shoved his thick dick inside me.  “I’ve got a new one for you.  I get to do whatever I want to you, but you don’t get to cum until I say so.  Understand?”

He was pounding into me so hard, I could hardly breathe, much less answer him.  He didn’t like my silence.  SMACK!  His hand slapped me right on my ass!

“I asked you a question, Sophia,” he growled.  “Do. You. Understand?”  He punctuated each word with a smack and a thrust.

Somehow I managed to mumble “Yes!”  And the pounding continued.  God it felt good!  Dropping my shoulders, I arched my back so that he could go deeper.  This is also the trick I use to better engage my clit and get me closer to orgasm.  But he knew exactly what I was doing.

SMACK!  “I said, you cum when I tell you to cum!”  SMACK!  “And I’m not ready to let you cum yet!”

Pulling out of me, he turned me over.  He was kneeling on the bed and turned my body so that his enormous cock was in my face.  He yanked off the condom and tossed it aside.  “Suck,” he said, holding the back of my head.  “Suck your dick!”

And so I did.  And I worked it, too.  I figured the better I made him feel, the sooner he’d give me the relief I craved.  As he moaned and thrust his hips, I tried to sneak and play with myself while he was distracted.  But he caught me.  He held onto my free hand while I used the other one to stroke him as I sucked.  He finally came a few moments later.

He held me tightly while he caught his breath.  While he basked in the afterglow of satisfaction, I was still so horny I couldn’t see straight.  But as hard as I tried to press my aching pussy up against him, he remained just out of my reach.

“You ready to stop playing games with me, Sophia?”

“You started it,” I reminded him.  “Talking about ‘a little touch’.  What did you think would happen?”

He answered me with a tender kiss.  Then he leaned down and began to gently suck my breasts.  And as wonderful as that felt, it only made me hornier.  I tried to nudge him lower.  It didn’t work.

Sitting up, he said “If my mouth is down there, I won’t be able to tell you when to cum.”  Grabbing another condom from the nightstand drawer, he had it on in seconds.  Then he gently nudged my thighs open and to my pleasant surprise, entered me with a nice, fat hard-on.

Then, propping himself up on his elbows, he began to drill into me with short, rapid-fire thrusts.  It felt so good, my eyes rolled into the back of my head.  Every few thrusts, he’d angle his hips differently and come at me from this angle or that, never losing contact with my clit.  But it was that spot he was hitting on the inside, though!  The sensations were so intense I couldn’t breathe!

Desperate for him not to stop, I grabbed his ass.  He shook his head.  “Uh-uh,” he said, never breaking his stride.  “No hands, Sophia.”  Somehow I knew that if I didn’t comply, he’d stop.  And I couldn’t let that happen.

So I clutched the sheets instead and prayed that he’d keep doing exactly what he was doing.  He didn’t disappoint.  With every fast or slow thrust, with every long or short stroke, he hit my spot like a pro.

Soon the pressure started to build.  I knew it was going to be a big one because it started at the bottom of my feet, moving its way up my body like a slow tidal wave.  My toes curled and my back arched.  And every single one of my nerve endings felt exposed and raw.

“That’s it,” he whispered.  “I can feel it coming.  Just hold on a little longer for me, Baby.  Don’t cum ‘til I say …”

“Please,” I moaned.  “I need to …”

“I know, Baby.  Just a little longer …”

Then he started rolling his hips and going even deeper … and harder.  Oh God, it felt exquisite!  And it was torture not to be able to let go.

Finally, in a strained voice, he showed me mercy.  “Okay … okay … cum for me, Sophia!”

The explosion was massive.  It tore through my body with such force it knocked the wind out of me.  And the relief was instantaneous … I felt so light and free, like I was floating in the clouds.

“You okay?”  When I tried to answer him, I couldn’t make my mouth form words.  My mouth was dry and I seemed to have lost control of my jaw muscles.  So I just nodded and mumbled something nonsensical.

“You must be sex drunk!”  He chuckled, pulling me closer in his arms.  And that was the last thing I heard as I drifted off to sleep.

*Royce isn’t his real name, of course.  I always change the names and a few details to protect the not-so-innocent.


Me, My Boo, And The FC2 – SIZZLE WITH SOPHIA Brings You More On Female Condom Pleasure

Femme Fatale

So after reading the SuzyKnew! post about the female condom (FC), I thought two things.  One, how come I didn’t know that September 16th was Global Female Condom Day?  And two, where can I get me some of these?

At first I kept these thoughts to myself because I figured that maybe it was just me.  Maybe I’m the only one who had no clue about female condoms.  I mean, sure, I’d heard of them.  For years, I heard talk of a female condom that was supposed to revolutionize protected sex.  But until last week, I had no idea they were actually on the market!

Then a funny thing happened.  My current Boo (yeah, I’ve kind of settled down with just one guy) called me on the phone and asked if I’d read the post on SuzyKnew!  He’s good about supporting the blogs that publish my work (mainly because he likes when I write about him).  Anyway, he was all excited and decided that we just had to try these right away.

“They’re non-latex,” he raved.  “So you don’t have to worry about latex allergies!”

“I’m not allergic to latex,” I said.  He didn’t hear me, though.  He just kept talking.

“And did you watch the YouTube video?  It showed how I can even put it in for you!  That sounds so sexy!”

He finally stopped raving about FCs when I promised to do some research as soon as we hung up the phone.  So I did.  And the more I learned, the more excited I got about trying them.

The only bad thing is that you can’t buy these things just anywhere.  These days you can buy male condoms at the grocery store, the drug store, the liquor store and even the gas station!  Oh come on, don’t act like you and your date haven’t rolled up to a 24-hour Shell station and grabbed you a pack when the other stores were closed!  Y’all know exactly what I’m talking about!

Well with female condoms, the easiest way to find them is to go online.  I decided to go with the brand mentioned on Suzy Knew: the FC2.  Some Walgreens stores carry them, but only at select locations.  I checked my area and no one had any.  Bummer.

But according to www.fc2femalecondom.com, you can order them from Walgreens online.  They cost just under $7.00 for a box of three, though.  Ouch.  The cheapest I found were from the Conscious Contraceptives online store.  They were just under $5.00 for a box of three, but they were also out of stock.  Finally, I decided to order a box from Drugstore.com for just under $6.00 for a box of three.  That way, I could pick up a few other items and reduce the cost of shipping and delivery.  Then I just had to wait for them to arrive.

I’ll skip ahead to the good part.  Royce*, my Boo, was even more excited than I was.  Even though he was eager to put the FC in for me, I wanted to try myself for the first time.  So, we re-watched the instructional video together and carefully read the instructions that came in the box.  And after two false starts, a little fumbling and quite a bit of laughing, I successfully got it inserted.

Ladies, let me tell you.  Sex with an FC is fantastic!!  See, there’s this outer ring that holds it in place.  It sits just outside of your vajayjay.  And when ya’ll get to strokin’ and grindin’, that little ring just hits the spot!  I mean, no matter what angle he was hitting it from, it felt insanely delicious because my clit was constantly stimulated.  I came twice with the first FC we used!

Now, removing them can be a little tricky.  The first time, he was on top and I was lying on my back.  The key is to grasp the outer ring, twist it and pull.  It went as planned at first.

But a little later when we used the second FC (he put it in this time, which was hot), we ended with me on top.  I wasn’t thinking and started to reach down to pull it out while I was still hovering above Royce.  That was a mistake.  We made a bit of a mess.  So remember, lie on your back to remove it to avoid spillage!

Overall, my experience with the FC2 was a good one.  We’ll definitely be using them again.  I just wish they were easier to acquire.  I know that some local health clinics and Planned Parenthood facilities have them.  But with so many of these clinics closing, even that isn’t a guaranteed source.  Ordering them online was pretty painless for me, but may be more difficult for others.  It would be so much better if we could just run out to the nearest gas station and grab some for those unexpected, last-minute adventures.

Here’s a thought: basic economics says that demand drives supply, right?  The more we spread the word and buy FCs, the higher the demand.  And the higher the demand, the higher the supply.  This will presumably improve accessibility and drive down the price, too.  And then more women can enjoy the benefits of this “new” form of contraception.

So let’s spread the word.  Let’s increase awareness and educate ourselves and others.  That way, when Global Female Condom Day rolls around again next year, we’ll not only know about it beforehand, but we’ll be able to really celebrate!  More importantly, more women will have another tool in their arsenal against STIs and unwanted pregnancies.

Royce and I still have one more FC left to use and he’s been waiting patiently while I type this review.  So I’ll sign off now and go put it to good use!  See ya!

Source: fc2femalecondom.com, drugstore.com, and SuzyKnew!

*Royce is just my Boo’s online name, not his real one.  I always change the names and a few details to protect the not-so-innocent.

The Pleasure That Comes With Female Condoms

What did you do on September 16?

Did you celebrate Global Female Condom Day?

Don’t tell me you missed it.

September 16 marked Global Female Condom Day. All over the world, HIV activists, policy-makers, and family planning and reproductive health advocates celebrated the day by drawing the world’s attention to the dual protection female condoms provide against HIV and unwanted pregnancy.

It probably comes to no surprise to you that female condoms are not a big seller like their male counterpart – the male condom.  You can’t point to a company that got their financial success from selling the “FC.” Can you?

This may be due to the FC’s big, bulky look and initial difficulty some ladies have in inserting it. We won’t talk about the lubrication that gets all over your hands when you pull the sucker out of the packet or the relatively high price compared to male condoms. Some people tout the fact it’s the only woman-controlled method that provides protection against both HIV and unwanted pregnancy. Definitely a good thing. The FC is good when a man doesn’t want to wear a condom or is too drunk to put one on. But, we all know that if you’re in an abusive relationship and a man doesn’t want to use a condom and you’ve got that “oh-so-discreet” female condom plastic ring hanging out your vagina, he’ll reach right over and snatch it out of you. Am I right? Let’s get real.

Who is kidding who? The female condom is the stepchild of contraceptives.

But… they do provide pleasure.  Did you know that?  FC companies are coming out with these videos that emphasize how pleasurable a female condom can be. (You know your product has a problem when youtube has a million “How to insert a female condom” videos) They take you through all the places you and your partner can experience pleasure using a female condom. SuzyKnew! challenges you to celebrate Global Female Condom Day by trying out the suggestions on this video with your partner.


My Inability To Sexually Please My Lady Is Killing Me: ASK JANICE

Hi Janice, I’m one of your loyal male readers who has been reading your articles since your column first came out. Now,I have my own problem.

I don’t believe in casual sex and only engage in sexual intercourse after a serious commitment. I’ve never had any problems pleasing a woman but my current lady is very prude and doesn’t loosen up and let herself enjoy the moment. Even oral sex – which I give freely – doesn’t get her off.  Her job is pretty “big” and she takes herself pretty seriously – maybe too seriously. She seems happy, and so am I, but this is beginning to affect my ego. I need to get my mojo back.

 Any suggestions? 

 Loyal and humble in Detroit

Dear Humble in Detroit,

First of all, thanks for reading and supporting my column.  I love hearing from my male readers, and really appreciate your honesty.

As far as your issue, you need to understand that your lady’s inability to get off isn’t your fault.  I totally understand how this affects your ego, though.  Everyone wants to believe they are capable of pleasing their partner.  It’s hard not to take it personally when, despite your best efforts, your partner doesn’t achieve the desired “happy ending”.

But trust me when I tell you, the only one standing in the way of your lady reaching paradise is her.  Remember, the biggest and most important sexual organ is the brain.  And it sounds like your lady’s issues begin and end in her head.  Only she can really get to the bottom of what’s keeping her from letting go and enjoying herself.  You can do all the stroking, kissing, licking and sucking you want … but if her head isn’t ready to let go, her body will never get there.

That’s not to say that you can’t help her, though.  You can start by relaxing yourself.  Don’t make such a big deal out of it when she doesn’t climax.  You may not realize this, but your eagerness to please puts a lot of pressure on your lady.  Orgasm isn’t always necessary for sexual enjoyment, especially for women.  If she’s satisfied with the intimacy and closeness of being with you, then let her be.  If she’s capable of having orgasms alone, she’ll eventually get comfortable enough to have them with a lover.  You may just have to be patient.

Also, reassure her of your feelings.  Your lady may need more reassurance that you only engage in sexual intercourse within the confines of a committed relationship.  This may be obvious to you, but she may need to be reminded.  Maybe she doesn’t really believe that you’re committed to her.  She may have trust issues, and your assurance of her place in your life may help overcome those.

Encourage her to talk about her own feelings about sex and relationships.  Her long-held religious or moral beliefs may be interfering with her ability to enjoy sexual activity with a lover.  Without putting too much pressure on her, get her to open up with you about those beliefs.  Just talking about them and knowing that you understand and respect her beliefs might help.

You also have to consider that past trauma or hurt may be affecting her ability to reach orgasm with you.  It may not have been a former lover or partner, it could even be some issues she’s had with male relatives or even her father.  If you suspect this is the case, strongly encourage your lady to seek professional counselling.  She may need help to recover from a horrible past.

The main thing I want you to know is that this is an issue that may not have anything at all to do with you.  She may love you, be turned on by you and enjoy being intimate with you.  But because of her own issues, she just may not be able to climax with you.  You’re not the problem, she is.

So be patient with her and yourself.  And on behalf of women everywhere, thanks for your efforts!

SuzyKnew! August Roundup: Where The Medical Meets The Sensual

Didn’t get a chance to see all the SuzyKnew! posts in August? Want to know what SuzyKnew! contributors posted on other sites?

Here’s what SuzyKnew! and our contributors posted in August:


Waistline of a black woman

You Ratchet. I Ain’t Got Time For This – I’m Too Grown!

ratchet courtsey of Glogster.com

Why Is My Vajayjay So Dry? ASK AN OBGYN?Black woman wrapped in bath towel screaming

The HIV-Killing Condom Is Here And The HIV-Killing Tampon Is On Its Way

istock photo
istock photo


Morning bliss 2


DrDraiDr. Drai: Sizing Up Your Man’s Parts Greek manhood


Rendez-Vous: SIZZLE WITH SOPHIA Curvy african american woman in bed lingerie

From Sophia Ned-James on www.thesinglesexymommy.net

From Janice-Fuller Roberts in Dame magazine:

From Dr. Drai on DrDrai.com:



He was standing behind me in his den.  I’d just bent over to change the song on his iPad, purposefully giving him a nice view of my ass.  And believe me.  I knew exactly what I was doing.

His breath on my neck gave me goose bumps when he said directly into my ear,  “What do you have on under that little dress, hmm?  Is my pussy covered up?  Or are you naked under there?”  As he said this, his hands slid up and down my hips and pelvis, coming dangerously close to, but not quite hitting my pussy.  My clit twitched at his possessive reference.  Damn, I could almost cum from just listening to him!

“That’s for me to know and you to find out later,” I teased.

Pulling me hard up against his erection, he growled “Don’t play with me, girl.  Answer me!”

“I’d rather show you than tell you, baby.”  Stepping away, I turned and faced him.  “Do you wanna see?”

He nodded.  With both hands, I grabbed the hem of my dress.  Then, as his eyes followed my every move, I slowly raised it to my waist.

As soon as he got a glimpse of my bright, red thong that only barely covered my goodies, he went wild.  In no time at all, he had me on the edge of the couch with my legs around his shoulders as he knelt on the floor in front of me.

“You know what I want.  Show it to me!”

“Show you what?”

“I need to see what’s mine, dammit!”  And in one motion, he tore the thong right off my body.  I yelped in surprise.  Then he just stared as the seconds slowly passed.  I started to squirm under his hungry gaze, feeling naked and vulnerable.  But honestly, it was erotic as hell.

“You’re so wet!”  He finally said, surprised.  “And look at you … you’re getting even wetter as I watch!”  It was all I could do to keep from touching myself.  I yearned for his touch, his tongue and he knew it.  Yet he just looked at it, torturing me.

Then he spoke.  “Touch yourself.” His voice was like a caress.  “I want to see you touch my pussy.”  I eagerly complied, parting my lips with one hand and slowly stroking my clit with the other.

“Damn, that’s sexy!”  He watched me intently, following every stroke.

Finally, he groaned and gave into his craving.  First, he pulled my hands up to his mouth and sucked my fingers greedily.  Then he thrust his face between my legs and latched onto my swollen clit and began sucking it mercilessly.

Helpless, I fell back and gave my man what he wanted.  He needed this, needed to taste me and claim me this way.  He moaned as he licked and sucked me to a quick climax like he was feasting on his last meal.  I was halfway through my orgasm when he flipped me over onto my stomach as if I were a rag doll.

The next thing I felt was the fat head of his cock pushing at my hole.  Rocking my hips back towards him, my pussy pulled him all the way in … right where he belonged.  I knew that he needed to control this ride, though.  Besides, I was still riding the waves of my own sweet release from his tongue.  So I let him take charge.

He wasted no time taking what he wanted.  His breath was coming in short pants as he hammered his big dick into me.  He wasn’t gentle.  He wasn’t romantic.  He was like a wild animal and I loved it … craved it, even.  He kept drilling me hard, changing his rhythm every few strokes to keep me a little off kilter.

I don’t know how long he kept at it, but it lasted longer than any other time we’d ever fucked.  He was getting his and making it last.  And I was only too glad to please him.  Anyway, the longer he kept at it, the closer I got to another burning orgasm.

But he surprised me by pulling out and flipping me onto my back.  Laying me flat on the couch with one leg in the air, he re-entered me in one smooth motion.  Face to face now, we stared into each other’s eyes.  The passion in his gaze was shocking.  He looked like a man possessed, and I was his possession.

We were moving in tandem now, so in synch our hearts beat as one.  He shifted his hips just enough so that now, every stroke pulled me closer and closer to my peak.  God, it felt so good!

Not wanting it to end, but frantically needing to cum again, I scratched at his back and shoulders.  If I hurt him, he didn’t complain … he just kept hammering away in that mesmerizing rhythm.  And his eyes never left my face.  Even when I closed my own eyes to give in to the powerful wave that was quickly making its way up my body, I could feel his intense gaze.

Finally, I could tell the end was near.  His massive cock was ramming into my pussy hard, now … almost frantically.  I was so close I could taste it.  He must’ve realized this because at exactly the right moment, he whispered right into my ear, “Come on and cum for me, baby.  Let go!”

That’s all I needed to hear.  I came hard and deep, and he was right behind me.  And for a few sweet moments, we were floating in paradise together.

Several minutes passed before either of us could talk again.  And I only had one question.  “Did you really have to rip my thong, though?”

You Ratchet. I Ain’t Got Time For This – I’m Too Grown!

OMG. What do you have on?

You ratchet!

SuzyKnew! gives a shout out to Emmanuel and Phillip Hudson’s Ratchet Girl Anthem ’cause we all have those days when we feel we’re looking a little ratchet.  And we all have those days when we know we’re being ridiculously critical of other women…

You know that’s right!

Ladies, be kind to one another. Lighten up and enjoy life.  How can you be sexy if you’re so uptight?

Image courtsey of Glogster.com

Why Is My Vajayjay So Dry? ASK AN OBGYN

Dear SuzyKnew!

It’s embarrassing to say, but I’m basically dry as a bone done there.   Lube helps, but if I don’t use it every time I feel like I’m being ripped apart.   It didn’t used to be this bad.  Maybe it has to do with some medication I’m taking? or my age (I just turned 40)?  Why is this happening to me? 


Dear Friend,

Rest assured you are not alone.   Vaginal dryness is something that most women experience at one time or another, but we just don’t talk about.

Common causes of vaginal dryness are:

1-    Low estrogen- Our hormones fluctuate all the time.   They go up and down during our monthly cycles, after childbirth, with breastfeeding, and even after a miscarriage or abortion.  Over the long term, estrogen levels decrease as we age (although your age-40, which is on the outside of that spectrum, so don’t fret, you likely have plenty of time before you are having the menopause conversation with your doctor).   The good news is that if your vaginal dryness is linked to a life event, it may pass with a little time.

2-    Medications- If a medication dries out your mouth, nose or throat, you can expect that it will also dry out your vagina.  Decongestants and allergy medications are major culprits. Cigarettes will also dry you out.  And if you suffer from heart disease, depression, seizures or are fighting cancer, many of these meds have side effects that interfere with sexual pleasure in both men and women.   Ask your doctor if there are different meds for your condition that do not have sexual side effects.

3-    Irritants and Allergies-  It’s worth checking your bathroom cabinet and laundry room to see if you are using products with perfumes or dyes that may be irritating to your sensitive vaginal tissue.   Eliminate all products with dyes and perfumes and above all do not douche or use any vaginal deodorants.

4-    Low Arousal- When we are aroused, and feeling sexy, that’s the signal for our bodies to produce lubricant.   You may not be giving yourself enough time or the right foreplay stimulation to get those juices flowing.   Experiment, take more time in the bedroom, change up your routine, and see what happens. 

There are several products (the first two can be bought in most drug stores) that you should try to give your body the moisture it is lacking:

Lubricants– These are used during foreplay and penetration to reduce friction that can occur if your body is not producing enough of its own lubricant.   Always choose a water-based product, with no added herbals, flavors, perfumes or spermicides.   These additions may irritate your already sensitive tissue.  Common brands of vaginal lubricant include K-Y Jelly® and Astroglide®.   Do not use hand lotions or petroleum-based products, which cannot be used with condoms and may be irritating.

Moisturizers-  Vaginal moisturizers are designed to correct your pH balance and keep you moist for a longer period- usually 2-3 days.  Replens® and K-Y Liquibeads® are common brands.  Vitamin E capsules can also be used and are a more economical option.   Many women who suffer from vaginal dryness will use a moisturizer a few times a week and then double up with a lubricant for intercourse.

Topical Estrogens–  For women whose vaginal dryness has been diagnosed as a result of low estrogen levels, the treatment is to replenish the estrogen.   Typically, a doctor will prescribe topical estrogen gel or lotion (as opposed to taking an estrogen pill).

Introducing healthy fats (avocados, nuts) and staying hydrated (8-10 glasses of water per day) will also help you moisturize from the inside out.

Take Care and thanks for writing.

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